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Everything posted by rosshendry23

  1. Tried the eye lids on the car and there nae ma cup o tea like. won't even show the pics. will have front splitter on by sunday hopefully. could somebody in moray area possibly help me out with fitting front splitter. had a shot earlier but got dark and no jacks etc..
  2. how much u thinkin? might well be interested.
  3. get my painted bits on fri woo hoo. very nice
  4. Just got front splitter in door and roof needs a little bit of attention and haven't had a chance to get any quotes. Does any body Know any good spray/ bodyshops shops in Moray area. I would attempt splitter myself but don't have the facilities in my flat Any advice would be magic folks
  5. cheers maybe look into that another day. But it happened again just yesterday at the mansfield in elgin, alarm goin off the lot couldn't get it to stop LOL got it in end tho
  6. sound man bin to west calder before so may look into that. thats a magic price too. sounds too good to be true. look forward to seeing those pics
  7. thank you may just purchase them soon. thanks for the replay man and the welcome.
  8. fit like? nice motor and colour where did u get ur side markers. are they smoked? or crystal clear ones? seen some on Visit My Website where did u get urs? i like the rear wing too if u don't mind how much and where from?
  9. cheers thought that was case. Have a few little tweaks in mind for car. mainly cosmetic though. Don't want to knacker the car with a re-map. Has 73000 on clock so not sure if it would be good idea. recently spent 460 on service at Glenburgie-subaru. Sare one like. new belts and tensioner was included like. nae sure if a was bumped or not.
  10. I know u prob all know about this. When i park in Tesco (Elgin) and close to police station my car is as good as dead. I have to type in code with door open etc.. to get car to start. Was bit of night mare on first occasion as i had to push the car to the other side of the road to get it to start first week after i bought it as i didn't have the code. bit of a pain. Is there any way that this interference can be stopped or is it just best to avoid these areas. Any other places to avoid parking please warn me.
  11. mine seems to judder in morning when i set off too. got me bit worried wit talk of new clutches. anything else it could be? seems to only happen when cold.
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