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Everything posted by psigeek

  1. They're onto me
  2. I had mine done last week at Mocom Racing in Essex.
  3. I'm not on here very much (will try to be more) but that would be of interest to me, especially in the warmer months.
  4. As title really. Skid training at Rockingham. Just a few places left, I'll be going up. The thread detailing it all is on SN. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/scoobynet-general...d-training.html Thanks.
  5. Your admission to touching goats has gone . Replied, like I said, I would consider again.
  6. I'd heard they'd had a staff change round? I'd like to go back but my last visit put me off a bit.
  7. Brilliant videos!
  8. From what I've now read around on here and SN what is mint green classic (TAZ) that I think belongs to JGM running that makes so many pops from the exhaust on overrun?
  9. Mini celebration - 31st August is a year to the day that I bought the scoob! Roll on
  10. Now this I am looking forward to.
  11. View My Scoob
  12. Yup a large prodrive one as was fitted to the gb270!
  13. Cheers guys hope to meet you all there before the journey!
  14. Just browsing here and to jump straight in... spotted gurnars yesterday on Knightrider Street, Maidstone. Was in the black bugeye. Love those graphics!!! Oddly as well, without even mentioning it, a work colleague told me about a white Subaru with Colin McRae writing all down it. It's getting noticed
  15. Evening all! I'm new here, first post and all that. Was pointed over from scoobynet by a Mr Phil Stephens. A friend and I will be driving our Subarus up to some place called Prodrive on Sunday. Heard you guys might be going the same way? Would two more to your gathering be OK?
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