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Posts posted by windy1945

  1. it's just like my old boss when he bought a FERRARI F355 and was told don't run it on v power as it doesn't like it, well one day he never had a choice had to put it in and right enough he said it ran like a bag of nails and had to get the tank drained Think it all depends on the individual car no two car is the same

  2. Aye... no doubt credit crunch and high road tax ain't doing it any favours either... but then no-one said running a scoob was EVER gonna be cheap. But we digress...

    ... Oh, and Greig - though your motor is rather tasty (particularly the 'zorst... my one BIG gripe about my STI), the swap's off I'm afraid, although I appreciate your "Tayside-meet solidarity" mate!

    Oh well god loves a trier lol
  3. Ah the much maligned looks of the STI hatch... Maligned rather like every previous generation in fact.

    But therein is a whole different can of worms which I'm sure has been done to death on other threads. I happen to LOVE my STI hatch and took great exception to dear ole' Clarkson calling it a "smashed buttock"!!!

    But speaking of form over function (and I know Japanese aero-kits often do both), I guess it was only a matter of time till something like this came along:



    For me, the front bumper is cosmetically better than stock but a bit OTT with the extra canards and defo has some Evo X cues in the front air dam vents. Loving the rear diffuser... always thought the STI hatch rear bumper "lacked" something skirt-wise just behind the wheels.

    Likewise the stock spoiler.... Nice.... a bit understated and perhaps not QUITE big enough... but THIS effort?


    Glyn seen your car a few times in the flesh now so to speak and was not keen on it to start with but the more i see it the more i fall in love with it, do you want to swap lol its like when the bug eye came out everyone thought subaru had made a big mistake but they still sold. i like that kit very much
  4. well nae bother as mines aw ready has its rear end done in and regularly goes off road for a good thrashing coz its replaceable

    speed bump in yer retail pk in fawkirk dnt exsist dont slow me why coz wither a drive fast slow carefull or harsh things go wrong or folk prang it but yes my prob would be the sod he got to look after it but well **** happens just lite a spliff sit back and grin n bear it coz its no nice to **** it n wear it

    after all mines only cost less than 200 quid like a said its a car

    think on that last word

    what planet are you on mate, do us all a favour and do one t**t :(

  5. wow settle doon oot there ya moany bunch of wimmen thats nothing. for crying oot loud its a car it wont last forever and small bumps happen aw the time

    im very passionate of my cars and try to take great care of them but at the end of the day its there to be driven fast slow bumppy smooth off road on road etc etc do yous treat yer wimmen or guys or even kids with that much passion?

    get a grip grow up and accept it as LIFE

    After all youll sell at sum point and then not gie a s**** about the bloody thing

    Who is this t**t seen a few post by him and the impression i get that he is a bit of a tool :(

    Sorry about your car mate hope it gets fixed to your standards and dont give anyone a loan again :D

  6. Speaking of rear arches mine are rusted as well. Luckly she is going in to get the rear arches replaced on the 10th of March. My mate is cutting out the old rusty ones and welding in new ones :D then painting them plus a few other rust spots. He could do yours at a very good price if you are interested? I will let you see mine once it's done to see what you think

    As for oils try Opie oils and quote SIDC and you get discount. Doing the gearbox and rear diff is easy but doing the gearbox is a pain filling it through the bloody dipstick takes ages :(

    Yeh will have a look at yours when done mate

  7. Thats brilliant road indeed mate I was up there skiing a few weeks ago.

    I was taking it easy though due to my slipping clutch :D

    My brakes are brilliant never ever had any brake fade.

    the joys of having Alcon's

    Want to buy them windy? £500 so i can buy a set of 8 pot k-sports :wub:

    If only i had 500 Quid mate lol plus need to get a few other things sorted first ie needing the rear arches seen to and oils changed, think i will do that myself engine gearbox and rear diff
  8. P.S.

    You been giving it pep-talks before taking it out then?

    "OK car, it's like this - you make sure you stick to the road when I'm hooning it around the B-roads and I'll promise not to tune the radio to BEAT 106..."


    (Please don't offence - just a wee joke. I know some folks can be touchy about spelling, etc - I admit that I'm far from perfect myself!).

    What you mean you don't talk to your car LOL :wub:

  9. P.S.

    You been giving it pep-talks before taking it out then?

    "OK car, it's like this - you make sure you stick to the road when I'm hooning it around the B-roads and I'll promise not to tune the radio to BEAT 106..."


    (Please don't offence - just a wee joke. I know some folks can be touchy about spelling, etc - I admit that I'm far from perfect myself!).

    LOL the joys of being dyslexic, no offence taken mate :wub:

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