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About ScottyRB320

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  1. I'm up for this lads Don't dingey me though just cause i am in a GTR now..... Fai get your finger out and get the beast ready in time for this, can't wait to see it in the 10's mate.......... Regards ScottyB
  2. Cracking turn out guys, well done, great to see you winning the Best Stand award as well, even if you all skulked off early and weren't there to pick up the trophy................. Popped over a few times Bobby but missed you i spent most of the day hiding from the rain sat in the GTR reading the News of the World and enjoying my flask of tea.............
  3. First car was an XR4x4i in White.............. I passed my test in the Army at Leconsfield when i was 17 and it was my old mans car. Fair play to him he charged me top whack for it and made me pay every bloody penny. I remember my insurance was £2800 third party only and on a squaddies wage that was murder. I never went out much i just paid the car up, paid the insurance monthly and just about had enough dosh left for petrol and beer. I used to look forward to getting sent to s**** holes like Bosnia or Northern Ireland to get extra cash to pay it off...... Regards ScottyB
  4. After an email from IM i am lead to believe that Warranty claims for suspension are no longer being honoured. Worthwhile phoning the likes of Ian Grieves to confirm if this is still the case? It certainly was a few months ago when i was looking to claim for the rears on my RB320
  5. See you there Rossco, I am taking the GT-R up. Going with Ailz and the rest of the crew. Regards ScottyB
  6. I second that Geo knows this stuff inside out! Regards ScottyB
  7. Nice chap, just mis-understood.........
  8. Yes RA Dunk same guy Mr Donaldson St3ph3n - I would love to see a steward take him aside! After you gents i will hold yer coat!!! http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/scottish-...78057-21068064/
  9. Certainly Sir, Would you like me to "Rim" it for you as well......... Looking forward to Sunday, a chance to catch up with everyone again and for a great cause!
  10. Totally agree Scott the AP's on my car were the best 2.5k+ i ever spent, Kenny if you keep a look out in the For Sale section at the weekend i will be putting a full set of 6 Pot AP's 355mm front and 330mm rears with Black Calipers which have only done 500 miles all road use. Taking photos when i get home tomorrow night and will pop the advert up ASAP. They will be priced very fairly for a quick sale! Regards ScottyB
  11. Youv'e actually got a pal........ Drop me a P.M. and update me with what's happening with your beast mate...............
  12. Thanks i am unsure what to put them up for sale for 2.5k+ only 500 miles ago?? Yeah EXE-TC's seem the way to go. I have seen first hand loads of issues with failed AST's and am yet to hear a bad word about the EXE-TC's, some amount of settings to play with, gives loads of scope for finding the right balance. Hats off to you for clearly not settling for anything other than the best for your motor, you have obviously researched EVERY part before putting it on.........takes dedication and a deep pocket!!! Fair play. Regards scotty
  13. Just had a good read through your S Net thread, same brakes as mine but i have the black calipers! Great choice i am actually just about to flog mine cleaning them up as we speak and will be photographing them this weekend ready to post. Cracking set up on the car mate! How have you found Exe TC? I called them 6 seperate times when i was looking at a suspension upgrade for the RB and they never once called me back! There loss i suppose. Regards ScottyB
  14. Hi Paul, I called Young Dunc yesterday to let him know the RB320 would not be there so he is in the loop. Hopefully we will still have enough cars, i am getting a lift up and will be there to give a dig out being the tea biatch or whatever is needed. Anyone contacted Maxxed Ross, was he not interested at putting his RB320 on? Regards ScottyB
  15. Hi Skull Sounds awesome, are you still running standard brakes? What about chassis tweaks to help get the power down better and improve handling and control? You may have done all of this and apologies if you have. With that sort of power a fully supportive package is a must, rather than just the power increase. By the sounds of it you have a beast and a half on your hands there mate, fair play, imagine it in the WET.....
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