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Everything posted by Jamee

  1. hi ken, i thought they stopped doing jap night a couple of months ago because of some bad behaviour?? I'll still be there though. Look out for a silver wagon wrx M reg
  2. yeah i'd love to go to a meet. Owned my scooby for 2 months and haven't attended anything yet. Count me in
  3. hi kennedy, welcome to sidc!
  4. love this show!
  5. Toronto rocks! Absolutely loved it there!! Been up the CN tower and looked down through the glass floor?
  6. sweet pics. Is it me or is your front number plate a tad bit on the small side
  7. haha, great!
  8. hi! Welcome to SIDC! Excellent car you have there
  9. thanks for the pics, looks like a good day out. That white EP3 looks fantastic
  10. and those are set up to mix classic vinyl right? seen those new decks that link up to the laptops and you can mix through those, now that looks cool too
  11. i've always wanted to learn how to mix!!!!!!!!
  12. very tidy looking car you've got
  13. happy beerday
  14. ouch! don't think he can have kids anymore after that lol
  15. I would love to come to this. Can i join SIDC on the day at the show?
  16. definitely de-tango that baby! Can't put stickers up on mine, don't want to attract the local plod in the centre of london
  17. hi and welcome! i got my scooby 1 month ago so i guess we're both in the same boat. What model did you get? Post some pics up
  18. Hi, can anyone recommend a place in London (preferably in the centre) to get a decent car alarm and immobiliser fitted? Thanks Jamee
  19. sweet car, i would've loved to have that as my first car... my first car was a 1992 1.3 golf, the insurance at the time was worth more than the car
  20. damn, hope you're ok! Looks like quite a hard impact you had. Good luck with everything and keep us updated!
  21. can't you be tempted by a WR1? if not, get the hawkeye
  22. i laughed so loud when i saw that great advert haha
  23. It's going to be a great day, got to behave on the roads because of the unmarked police scoobies
  24. LOL I would post some jokes up but they're not really good for all ages
  25. take some nurofen plus. Does the trick, knocks me out cold
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