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Everything posted by scoobyjoff

  1. your sterling efforts as regional organiser strikes again DAMN YOU GOOD LOL roll on december
  2. im already on their loyalty card list lol one more stamp to get me free white coat two stamps for me free straight jacket lol so by the time trax has been and gone im all kitted out please be gentle over the next two weeks
  3. Nine is gud for me ill need two hours at maccy Ds to prepare for my day of head mashin and three hours on the way home to recover before rehab lok then oh joy its trax the weekend after more head mashin mmmmmmm lol
  4. it would be easier to meet at maccy ds at least everyone knows where that is and ill be ready for brekky is that good for you floz and nick,sterling organization from our delightful RO as usual lol
  5. Just gone past maccy ds in me truck so I know where it is now lol so I'm good for that wot bout everyone else
  6. Oh yes breakfast I'm sold lol maccy ds it is then where is maccy ds then
  7. Hya rach 11 is good for me I'm comin from mansfeild so ill be a46 to lincoln then a158 to skeg vegas so if nick and floz are goin that way ill meet them at the jolly farmer resturant on the a46 a17 island at newark meet u on route or thete its up to u lol ill be at jolly farmer bout 9ish I think I'm ready for a head mashing from you and yr partner in crime
  8. Yep would be good to chat and see what we can come up with,thanks for your support guys and girls,its just in the planning stage at mo but as soon as I've any more news ill give u all a shout and I guess ill be shouting all the way down pmsl
  9. Hya all hope all is good with you,just testing the water I looking at doing a sponsered parachute jump at langar airfeild in notts,its all for charity the charity is for autism of which my 3 yr old suffers from so this is close to my heart. And was just seein if anyone in scoobyland would sponsor me like I say I'm just testing the water, your thoughts appreciated cheers
  10. Ah I see lol just me bein thick once again must crack on and book me room cheers for that lol
  11. Why are you all booked and I'm not lol I'm confused.com help lol
  12. Ill bring sum gaffer tape just in case floz me old mucker u can go in the middle don't wana strain your sti cable ties with too much wind resistance pmsl
  13. Lol u ain't rite lol convoy yeeeehhhhaaa you leading then rach
  14. Would that be good for you mr floz we can make sure yr bumper is good to make the journey
  15. Ah mr goofy if you coming up the a46 then I could meet you at the jolly farmer restureant on the a46 a17 island there's a filling station there as well then we could rock up to lincoln to meet yr partner in head mashing lol
  16. where we meeting for skeg vegas are we running up all together
  17. is there still time to back out pmsl this is gona get messy you and nick are the terrible twosome oooh my heads hurting alredy
  18. im leicester born and bred whack me name down rach you can proper mess my head up yet again lol
  19. whats the plan for monday are we stopping over need to sort a bed for the night lol or it will be the beach
  20. nice one thanks mate its come up in dollars how do i pay in sterling sorry for sounding thick lol first time ive ordered a copy
  21. cheers for all the positive comments ill sort more pics lol
  22. just bin browsing true grip magazine and found a picture on page 22 of the conninsby meet and bugger me theres a cracking pic of my wrx next to dons beast lol WELL CHUFFED can i get a copy of the magazine ???????? cheers all now my head is proper mashed
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