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Everything posted by Dorsetdaffodil

  1. So... How many are going on this meet ?? Anyone going from somerset /dorset up the A303? I should be there about 8'0clock
  2. Sick thats what they are .... our justice service is a joke .... thats why we've got so many prisoners, and not enough prisons/officers to accommodate them ... do what saudi arabia does .. if you steal ..you get your fingers chopped .. if you abuse a woman .. you get ........ yeh you got it !! Bet the scum would think twice then.
  3. hmmmm..... and is the dress code for the women the same as the girls in the pic at powerstation ????? V V V V V Cos if it is ...... v v v v v v v I ain't comin !!!!!!!
  4. Thanks SP .. But I'd like to STAY a member !! He's a bit of a handfull and after having to travel 60 odd miles he'd be bouncin .. lol.. maybe a daytime meet in the summer. ( i do love him ..really!)
  5. 1)edmondo/s.p/sidc mum 2)compo 3)Bailey and Sam 4) Daff In that case i'll try to make it ..if i can get a babysitter.
  6. Hi Pete .. have you got a electronic turbo boost controller .. had to have a manual one fitted on mine as new turbo was over boostin ..scarey!! felt like i hit a brick wall.. so if ya got one let me know how much please... daff
  7. Do you have to be a full member to go to meets ?
  8. WOW!!!! Brilliant fun. ... i wanna try it hehehe ..and i know just the place round here .. zig zag hill near shaftesbury .. Hmmm
  9. You've got my full support Jacqui....You're very brave... i've tried to lose weight times ... and only suceeded once when i went to slimming magazine club for ayear and lost 3 stone ..but that was years ago, and i've put it all back on (and some )since i am now 15.5 stone ... not bad ? huh i'm only 4ft 11" so i slightly resemble winnie the pooh lol So any help i can give just ask ..hmmm perhaps i'm not the best example to follow ?
  10. Hmmmm that can be arranged Craig !!! i love your car, its awesome...( but dont tell mine !)
  11. Hey tony ! is that my turbo beside the TD05 ??? lol... gettin it fitted on mon ... wooooo hoooooo !! thanks again. x
  12. Good pics pete ...sorry i didnt make it folks, errrmm didnt wake up till 10.30 !! megga hangover ..couldnt risk the drive from sherborne still mullered..lol hope you all enjoyed it .. i'll try to make the next one ..promise. Daff
  13. sorry new at this .. forgot to add my name ..Derrrrr
  14. count me in .. the kids havent told me to keep it free so wey hey!! wot better way to spend mothers day haha i might take a while to get there as my turbos bugg**** at mo .. lookin forward to meeting you all as i'm a newbie on site.. Daff
  15. That'll be good ..i went to college in weston ... think they've forgotten me by now tho hehe
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