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About tamkgb270

  1. does anybody know of anybody selling a gb270 privetly cash sale im looking for my 3rd gb270
  2. thats the car away to be assesed to see if its a total rite off fingers crossed but to be honest i wouldnt want it back would never trust it again dont know if i should get a 3rd gb270 or try to get the last of the 57 sti
  3. didnt get proper look but the engine went on fire melted away most of the front end and the inside is heavy smoke damaged
  4. i cant beleave my luck i got a 57 plate gb270 stole back on 20th feb 2009 didnt get it back so bought a 08 plate gb270 about 2 weeks agow and omg it went on fire on the a80 near to cumbernauld in the early hours of sunday morning driving along sparks come from the engine and loose power so i stoped and then the flames started i was nearly crying not ashamed to admit it seen another gb270 pass when the police and fire brigade were there think the private reg was k33 **N dont think he could beleave his eyes still heavy shocked
  5. williams for me too they are good used them and £150 and he will take the tyres off and put back on and wheel ballance good for £150 A SET OF 4
  6. anybody wont an 08 gb270 with 355 brake i want this car please swap ??? OK DIDNT THINK YOU WOULD ??
  7. i think that car looks minted im so tempted to just do the same but ill just get a few first and see how it looks
  8. orderd a few GB270 graphics today for the front windscreen and a couple of the GB270 logos for the back windows
  9. i think ill get a few and see how it looks then decide if im gony do the full car least if its got a full rap if this one gets stole the police mite find it but i supose the traker will do that job
  10. just to give a nudge to the top as stole recently
  11. just wondering what you all think of decals on a scooby should i or should i just leave the way it is im thinking i should does anybody know anybody that could supply and fit a full set cherrs Guys Tam and its for a Gb270
  12. got a visit today from the police woman that came when my gb270 got stole nearly 5 weeks agow she recons most of the time when a car gets stole its parked up within a couple of miles from where it got stole the reason for that is incase its got a tracker and they dont want to drive too far or long incase its got a traker and get caught my advice get a few mates together and take a good drive about the local area in a few cars they do keep an eye out the reason she came to my door was because she seen me in a blue scooby so they must keep there eyes open
  13. pish m8 i got a gb 270 stole nearly 5 weeks agow police still havent found it and didnt seem too botherd just another number they say thers about 8 cars a nite get stole from sum areas yes 8 or more
  14. im looking to upgrade the breaks in a gb270 as the standard ones dont seem to be stopping the car that goog just looking for some advice and a rough idear of cost to upgrade cherrs guys Tam
  15. hi just wondering what would be involved in making a gb270 go from 266 bhp to say 330bhp and what sort of money it would cost just wondering as hoping to get another gb when the insurance pay out as it got stole or if its found just want a bit more power cherrs Tam
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