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Everything posted by yogi-

  1. Col and I was in my van
  2. Mrs Lee sidcup around 1pm Today
  3. Spotted a few today and had waves or flash from all
  4. WR Blue Bug Eye Wagon around 2.30pm today @ Mcdonalds Medway city Ind estate, Blonde lady driving
  5. Happy Birthday Matt
  6. Is Jay stalking you again Garth
  7. Welcome
  8. Welcome to the mad house
  9. Very nice
  10. I have been told he is quite handy
  11. That was the most painful clip Iv'e ever seen, and for making us watch it, I think you should buy us all a drink
  12. Oi you two no dirty laundry on the forum
  13. I don't believe you and demand a full enquiry
  14. No wonder your car does lousy MPG Gary, when your car is rubbing on the ground like that
  15. They are not my wheels, so prove it
  16. 1 Granby 2. Yogi (work depending) 3. 8rad 4. Big Jay 5. Dan n Dan 6. Shep, m@tt 7. Pele 8. Shiralee (in some shape or form) 9. Scuzz and Herman 10. Scoots 11. Dunks (Poof) 12. gary may..........2nd time lucky lol.....if you dont want me to come just say 13 LOONYBIN 14. deani_age
  17. Forget tunnel runs, it's Kent NASCAR's
  18. They threw the mould away
  19. Oi you don't read this, and go do some work

  20. happy B'day dude
  21. Sorry Hugh, won't happen again, promise Well, this is the gods honest truth ok, all day Friday I'm in two minds whether to go or not, and come 7.30 thought na not going, and thats it. You must be thinkin I went a week early, well I nearly did, but didn't go
  22. Did ya'll go tunnelling afterwards
  23. Please don't tell me you know Dunks
  24. Someone has doctored, I mean butchered the list
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