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Everything posted by mikkers

  1. Common sense also says one club only needs one forum. If organisation of events and the mobilisation of the club is up to the individual then why has kent scoobies always had a leader? And ill informed claptrap? OK, whatever lol. There wasn't anything in my post that depended on information, incorrect or otherwise. Nor did it criticise anyone, I was just making an observation. And I have other ideas about who comes on here to stir things up, as highlighted by recent posts.
  2. We can meet you in Maidstone if you want mate, roughly what part do you come from? I live in Lockmeadow and scoobytibs lives in a recycling bin.
  3. All I keep hearing is "learn the history of Kent Scoobies" etc, and I for one am not really that interested. I'm more concerned with where the club is going than where it's been. I know how the club looked and operated when I first joined, and I know who took on the responsibilities for organising the meets and events. Since Granby has left no-one seems to have taken on these responsibilities, there appears to be no kent scooby presence at the forthcoming BHP jap show.
  4. I pity the fool that jokes about stuff like that.
  5. That's a good looking car mate, you must be well happy with her. We can only get what we can afford, and at least you can drift the single turbo versions easier!
  6. I've told you it's hamster, not gerbil. Their tails get in the way.
  7. Good luck mate, give em one from me. Hope your incurable impotence dosnt put a dampner on the evening. That and the fact you're a raging homo
  8. So are you still going then tibsy?
  9. That's 16 posts you have made in one day you need help and does this tunnel run include a stop at the gala bingo cos I hear col has got 2 for 1 tickets.
  11. Wow, the ks.com moderators have really covered themselves in glory there. Good to see a difference of opinion and independent thought actively encouraged. Did anyone say Nineteen Eighty-Four?
  12. When I got home last night I thought I would have a go at looking at how this thread was going on my mobile. I was absolutely shocked at what I saw, and have to say very surprised and more than a little dissapointed. The way this site looked on my phone was appalling, I could read about four words before having to scroll along, then scroll back and try to see which line I was on. I need a new phone immediately. On the other thing, if kent scoobies is one club, why does it need to have two forums? What was the intention, long term, is it to try and build up ks.com and then move kent scoobies there? Presumably sidc would still then run a kent region site, which many people would still frequent, therefore it would be impossible to entirely run kent scoobies from just one site, unless kent scoobies and kent subaru club (or whatever it would be called) run as two seperate entities. If this is not your intention, then surely nothing needs to be changed? What do you want from ks.com that the sidc is not currently offering? Saying you would let the members decide is great from a democratic point of view but not entirely realistic, dean started a thread about this and had very little feedback, apart from female naked mud wrestling. It just shows that people don't really know what they want, apart from a fun forum for information about events and some general good humoured banter. As far as I see that's what is on offer here. I do not want to see another thread descend into chaos as this does nothing, and I don't want to make enemies of people I have never met (although I have met j-k and he is a good guy), but I for one can't really see what the long term goals are of "the old guard", by which I mean j-k, hol, pele dean etc.
  13. Nice car mate, GTS-T? Stick up some more pics.
  14. No, only vinyl. You can borrow some of Granby's old Black Lace 33's though. Push pine---apple shake the tree etc.
  15. He is only late when he is cleaning is wheels......which must make him the most punctual man on earth. Unless he takes a half mile trek to the bogs the moment we fire up our cars.
  16. Kentscoobies Meet Friday 21st August @ The Wharf list. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
  17. You will have to shoe horn them out of tibs's bedroom first.
  18. I saw you car at a meet a while back, have to say I love it Hugh, really good job mate a very sympathetic touch yet still manages to stand out.
  19. Good idea Col. And perhaps Pele could put this in the pinned section, as normal?
  20. Just noticed this in the off topic section http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=136563 Happy birthday to the big boss man!
  21. Here you go no animals though I'm afraid to say, like the one you sometimes get in normal rallying that excite you so much.
  22. No, not yet. He may do at some point though, he competes in Rally USA and in the X games. Also raced against Colin McRae and beat him in a special stage type thing after Colin hit a barrier, I will try to find the vid. He also invented a shoe company, DC Shoes with a mate. He did prepare to partner Pastrana but nothing as yet came from it.
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