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About Scoobywhore

  1. 2. mmmm can i arrest him for impersonating a police dog!! i wonder! mm this waters good
  2. Hello guys been a while how is everyone !!!
  3. i know that website is my dream website, really want a spec C mmmmmmmm!!
  4. http://www.litchfieldimports.co.uk/stocklist.asp?inc=222 please somebody get on of these look awesome
  5. Dave are you straight lining, i fancy doing it but im a drag virgin and dont wanna hurt me car lol
  6. My arms twisted i will be there !!
  7. Ive just booked mine in for new break pads EBCs £250 fully fitted !! pro logic also just been serviced £149.00
  8. This is the same model as my scoob its a 2006 STI, i really do like the new one but as ive been discussing on xlr8 i like the RB320 and Spec C!!
  9. im actually debating on selling mine and buying one !!! or the same one asmine in the Spec C decisions decisions
  10. Speed limits never lol!!!
  11. I got ste with the black evo to fit them it sounds really sweet now, just waiting for me exhaust to come !!!
  12. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1999-Subaru-Impreza-...1QQcmdZViewItem (OLD AGE IMPREZA 1999 absolutly mint) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2003-SUBARU-IMPREZA-...1QQcmdZViewItem (MY 03 Newage 2003)
  13. hello and welcome ive got an MY06 STI its a beast !! i really do suggest going to Car shop they will get you any car you want!!! personally id go for a Type R mmmmmm!! or maybe a spec C !!
  14. Yes really good sunday drive, weather perfect people perfect, everyone behaved aswell which made a change!!! if you lot are ever out we always meet on the mountain on a sunday at one!!! , oh Dave all my bits came yesterday so im really excited wooooo!!!
  15. happy dave day
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