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l2 nrm

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Everything posted by l2 nrm

  1. can any one talk me thru fitting a dv to my 1996 wrx import?standared fitted at the moment!have got a rough idea just dont want to damage any thing!pics and step to step guide would be ace!if it makes any diff its a forged dv! cheers guys
  2. nice car whats the plans for the car?not long got my 1st one too lol.welcome to the site mate scott
  3. same when i was there last lol
  4. as above,myself and my gf are intending on having a bag packing day at asda in huntly on the (9st of dec)to raise money for the santa curise york hill hospital we need 8ppl more people the easyer it will be and will rase alot of money for the children! cheers scott & claire
  5. why would you pay 50£ to get the emissions tested?when a mot is 52£ (or there about got last 1 for 20£)get it moted and if it failes you will get a free resit within ten days scott
  6. not a bad program if i didnt say so myself
  7. not 100% sure but could b the diathram in the dump valve or turbo problems and noise from turbo
  8. a belt kit is 150 off the inter net and 400 or so from the likes of dingbro acording to the garage i got my car from
  9. t belt is ment to b quite simple to do mate any garage will do it!149£ or sumin sure i saw that price some where
  10. u will have to serch downie car sales to find him i think and glenburgie ig in address book thing
  11. try glenburgie cars or brain downie
  12. sounds like a plan lol we could all chip and and buy the v power part from shell lol
  13. i get mine in keith just have to buy a bowser (sp) and fill it and fill my car from it lol
  14. o well i better get ready 4 a fine h&s back box 5inc tail pipe makes ma car bit loud
  15. if you need it you need it lol
  16. cheers got that forms in today
  17. 105.9 per ltr in keith to night not sure about elgin
  18. instal that thing the japs made years ago flamer thing frows flame from the side of your car teach them not to try and steal it again lol
  19. hope they catch the dirty scum and slip you there names on the sly!kno there is a few things i would do to them if was my car!couldnt imagine what your going thru mate!o well get your ear on the ground and find out who is steeling cars in the area hope you get it back and every thing sorted out scott
  20. strange you would have thought they would of walked from some where not to atract atention to them selfs?i see you had another topic about a door is it fixef?if not wouldnt have thought would have been stolen for order or sell!was the police any help!reg t some sites in a diff name saying you are looking to buy one to the discription of your car see if any thing turns up!or look about for the clio?but then again may be stolen too!
  21. dirty ****s in day light too2?had the police round yet?you see any strange cars or people round beside your house?as i dont think they would have done it spur of the moment!are you normaly away at this time?i hate people like that cant aford there own so steel every one elses scott
  22. i you are rite the golf is slow lol!should have kept the s3 i had as it was quick as **** lol
  23. now am scared lol think ill just leave it the now and get a remap at some point!
  24. pm me your addy mate!
  25. i am guessing the pipe work is for the bleed valve?he siad 1.2bar would be what he would put it too?glenburgie seam to have a good name round this area!want to give it bit more go but safely?as for cost he said above would be about 290£ fitted 100 for fitting 125 for hks defender 65 for bleed valve and pipe work really not sure what to do with it cheers scott
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