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About empty_heed

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  1. hiya guys did somebody say tunnel run
  2. what's going on moderators ? paid up my subscription renewal , still can't get on bits of the forum & lost my R.O badge thingy
  3. peter I don't know I'd I've ever seen your car out in my 4 year of membership. look forward to seeing it
  4. thank you everyone
  5. looks like it was a very successful event enjoyed by all, good effort everyone
  6. rgk wheelchair - 2 armed power wrx version 2 - couldn't honestly tell you but it's had an afp stage one and i can keep up most of the time wrx wag version 2 - stage 1 afp and faster than the my other one but prob near 290 maybe at a guess
  7. bought my first scooby from halleys. my sport, the one that kick started my addiction. had no beef with them
  8. 2please
  9. booked for friday, yaaaas
  10. good stuff will be getting inverness booked this week
  11. no spoons! will just need to find a different spoon to abuse ha. any idea if the digs insky are accessible? :-)
  12. scooby steve at old kilpatrick, 2mins off the erskine bridge.
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