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StrikE last won the day on December 7 2013

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  1. 1. Scooby222 + 1 - Booked 2. STI and - Booked 3 PhilMC & 1 4 DaveyL WRX and the wench - Booked 5. Wayne & Audrey Telford - Booked 6. Badbaz - Booked 7. 8. Wrx Kenny +1 - Booked 9. ScottSti +1 - Booked 10. Don - Booked 11. ianambrown - Booked (DaveyL has twisted my arm!) 12.Corsa in the 401 ;-) - Booked 12b. Lewis in a rental car... 13 scottishtaffy and her that thinks she should be obeyed.- Booked 14. Beastie and Mrs Beastie spare place
  2. 1. Scooby222 - Booked 2. STI and - Booked 3 PhilMC & 1 4 DaveyL WRX and the wench - Booked 5. Wayne & Audrey Telford 6. Badbaz - Booked 7. StrikE - Booked
  3. lol i think a few would have fail on our trip on that one
  4. Sorry Dave i dont have a scooby
  5. Aye aye Davie
  6. This is doing nobody any favours either personally or whichever club! I don't really see the point in keeping this going or for that fact removing it as yet. All relevant points have been aired, discussed & answered. Now can the 'over moderation' brigade please step forward and have a bash & view their own personal agenda instead of lighting the blue touch paper & pissing off? Another point, the Mods on here [and there are a few with the rights] don't just randomly delete topics or posts without going over the topic in depth! Please guys it's a bloody car club, drive a car or something eh!
  7. Point is tho if this topic gets removed then folk just start bitchin' about 'over moderation' FFS you just cant win Oh and yes you have a very very valid point! What can say
  8. Second time i have been on google with a scooby https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll=55.790838,-3.881071&spn=0.002548,0.008256&t=m&layer=c&cbll=55.790839,-3.882097&panoid=unTzqiD9FsK2nvXMEaPTxQ&cbp=12,345,,0,18.66&z=18 I can remember passing the google car at some other point but cant remember where!
  9. Perfectly said Al.
  10. Just found this remembering the camera drove past that day https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll=55.943455,-4.017391&spn=0.001269,0.004128&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=55.943521,-4.017732&panoid=f0bERfe7JoEfCgaNiX-hdA&cbp=12,107.94,,0,13.88 A few familiar faces
  11. No Phil it was because he 'was' driving it was that slow......... nearly 5 seconds slower than a certain lady
  12. This used to be a hatch & I battered it good looking
  13. Family groups [sIDC/ScottishScoobies] rather than individual [.net] I dunno just thinking out loud. No you just drive like an old fart
  14. Strange that!! I thought he liked brown
  15. Yup I can wholeheartedly recommend not only the sales staff at S&S Ayr but also the staff at service department, very polite and trustworthy. A hard dealer to beat for sure and will go back to them every time.
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