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Posts posted by t3hWIT

  1. Better late than never I guess. :D

    I was going through my pictures from our trip to the UK, and I found this picture I took on July 6th outside the Cartland Bridge Hotel in Lanark. I heard a Subaru coming, ran to the road and got the camera ready just as you came around the corner.

    Major notable mod being the Tommy Kaira front bumper. I waved, you waved. :D


    Registration plate blurred to protect the guilty. :D

  2. Not Savannah! Please tell me youre not in Savannah!

    I only like country because i play it, its much better than RAP!!

    so you have a Penny accent huh? SASSAGE? LMAO!!!

    Ive been home to the UK for two years now and SERIOUSLY want to come back to OKie!

    Savannah is in Georgia, the state south of us. :) I'm in Florence, about twenty minutes south of Darlington Raceway. B)

    Like what you have done with the place Shaun, its got that "feel" to it... ;)

    and that Rally XS cover, wow... that a real nice cover to have, 2 heros passed...

    Thanks dude, I saw that issue on eBay and I couldn't pass it up. I haven't read it yet, it went straight from the package to the frame.

    Lookin good Shaun :lol:

    Thanks man. :)

  3. Garth who? B) I'm stuck living in South Carolina, but I'm originally from Pennsylvania. I don't really get along down here because I apparently have a northern accent, don't listen to Country music, don't watch Nascar or football, don't eat fried chicken and watermelon, and don't drive 20mph under the speed limit in the passing lane which therefore makes me an "aggressive drive." I honestly have never seen a state before that has to post MINIMUM speed limits.

    We're stuck here for three years while my girlfriend is in school, then I want to move back north.

  4. Looking good!

    you got enough oil?? :D

    Yessum, figured I'd stock up while I still had an employee discount. :D

    Looking good mate. :lol:

    But you can't beat looking at the Scottish countryside, some heather & Sheep!!! :D:)

    Looking good Shaun

    and I even spot a DHL parcel sitting next to your bookcase lol

    good to see you are settling into your flat.

    re views of the scottish countryside, there are photos kicking about from the Gathering and you could probably 'borrow' one or two of images that show the convoy weaving its way through the Clyde Valley to print out and put over your window ;)

    Now that you mention it... if I had a spare wall free there's this website where you upload a picture, resize it to as big as you want (anywhere from 100cm to as large as a city block), and you then download it as a PDF file to print out and tape together... and I do have a lot of pictures of the Scottish countryside on my camera... :)

    I didn't even think about that DHL box until I posted the pictures B)

  5. Should say "Scottish/McRae/Subaru" but it's not posting properly. :lol:

    I thought someone might get a kick out of this. I've been meaning to post pictures but I haven't quite gotten around to it until tonight.

    This is "my room" in the flat my girlfriend and I rent. Typical maybe, but I've got a few unique things as far as an American apartment goes.

    First thing you see when you walk in:


    The magazine on the bottom is the specific issue that took my interest into Subaru's from a minor one to a bit of an obsession. The top one is an issue dedicated to US servicemen, and it features a few guys I know stationed in Japan.

    On the wall on the left...


    Specifically an autographed ESX poster, a Subaru model I picked up in Osaka, a McRae Gathering decal from Grant, and a few books I bought in Wroxton (Wales) and Lanark two months ago.

    To the left there, or sharply to the right when you walked in:



    Opposite that, a Subaru advertisement featuring a full Subaru podium finish at the 2006 X-Games.


    Don't worry about the TV, it's older than I am and it's not hooked up to anything. :)

    Lastly, and most importantly... dominating the room...

    From a vendor near the food court at the shopping mall in Paisley...



    It's a bit of a rallying sanctuary. I just wish one day I'd look outside and see a bit of the UK instead of some fence in South Carolina, keeping the hillbilly's out. B)

  6. Full service means a cambelt and that means they took the rad out.

    I didn't know what he meant about full service. A lot of times, when removing the cam covers, the nut on the back breaks loose. If that happened on the OP's, then the cover could possibly be loose, but I still don't see how the force of the fans would be enough to make it vibrate.

  7. Now for the serious bit. In the words of Bob Geldof at Live Aid.............."We need your f****** money"

    The buckets brought along for the purpose of collecting some change were overlooked in the 3285 other things i had to do and it was my fault that they were not put out. Please do me a favour and donate a couple of quid to the fund by clicking on the Donate button located on the left hand side of the main McRae Gathering website. It cost a fair bit to get the Guinness guy along on the day and to transport L555BAT down to Warwick so please just a pound or two thats all

    £30 sent your way.

  8. Shaun,

    that was the world record attempt to spell out Colin's name made up of Subarus and was one of the things we did at Prodrive's Warwick test track.

    it takes longer than 10 minutes to park 1,000+ cars and that pic goes to show the effort was worth it :D

    edit - did anyone film my speech?

    Sorry Imy, I didn't think about how that would be read. I meant the location of the actual picture. I was hoping that there was a picture of the mosaic as a whole. :angry:

    I was watching the lineup on the traffic webcam above the exit in Warwick, and I'd say you had your hands full. Great job this weekend, the hard work you three put into this weekend really paid off. Really made me proud to be a Subaru owner.

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