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mrs P

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Posts posted by mrs P

  1. bashed it a bit more today BBQ plus loads of stationary for club stuff

    I want to change the upstairs bedroom into a office/guest room so i can do club stuff without being disturbed


    Cool a bit of retail therapy does yourself a world of good - cannot remember the last time that I done this - must speak to Mr P about this when he gets home from work, although I already know what his answer will be lol lol lol

  2. Great.......

    ....I cant even get away in here. pmsl


    you should know by now that there is no getting away from us wifeys - where you hide we will hunt you down lol lol lol lol

    we seek them here. we seek them there.....................


    We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to hunt them down lol lol

  3. I will just let her have the pc instead and spend time and money on my car............

    ........Us men cannot compete on here with you lot, so......

    .....Im off to watch Trisha on tv. [8o|]


    you will be alright later on this afternoon as Kev will be home soon and will be kicking me off the laptop so there will be one less wifey on here to give stick lol lol

  4. oy sunshine just a small reminder just to put you back in your place........................

    Who organises the meets? Who got you involved? Who allows her hubby out most nights so you can moan about us women at the garage?

    Now behave yourself .................................................PMSL [:)]


    you go SP girl power lol lol lol lol

  5. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone again - lets hope that the sun shines for us this time so we can get some good pics of the cars done

    We need to get some SIDC umbrellas just in case [st]


    Good idea as you know what the british weather can be like lol lol lol

    I think Darren gets a discount on SIDC stuff being a member - excellent he can buy it

    We already have a perfectly good umbrella - you dont think im going to spend money on something that wont fit the car. pmsl

    Not even if I wear the lycra ????


    Oh my the things that we have got to do to make them spend their money lol lol lol

  6. I would have to dress up in lycra and be Erin's umbrella man. pmsl

    nightmare thought


    Oh my word what a sight that would be lol lol lol

    Sam doesn't mind. Rofpmsl

     Are you sure ?


    Feel sorry for you Sam what a sight that would be a grown man dressed in lycra - good job i haven't had any dinner yet as i would be bringing it back up at that thought of it lol lol lol

  7. i always park mine in a corner space if i can,,drivers side against the bit which wont get hit.............................in supermarkets i always park at the top end taking up 2 spaces, i find parking in mother and child leaves yourself wide open to kids playing with trollies,first hand expierience there....


    Or you just send me in to do the shopping while you wait in the car just in case lol lol lol lol

    Thats a good man you got there. LOL


    he gives the kids some sweets whilst he is waiting and any car that dares to park near us the driver gets daggers thrown at him for daring to park near us lol lol lol lol

  8. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone again - lets hope that the sun shines for us this time so we can get some good pics of the cars done

    We need to get some SIDC umbrellas just in case [st]


    Good idea as you know what the british weather can be like lol lol lol

    I think Darren gets a discount on SIDC stuff being a member - excellent he can buy it


    Too right get him spending his money lol lol lol

  9. oh to right lorna, too right. Had my hair done today and also treated myself to an extra special pink treat which pictures will be going up sortly.

    Also purchased a new suit for interviews etc

    not another gimp suite, ed has loads you could borrow pmsl

    they are far to LARGE for me"


    Cannot wait to find out what this whole pink thing is about - when is it going to be revealed???

  10. OK, I went to my stop smoking clinic this morning and I have been issued patches.  My stop date is Saturday 21st June 2009 (no joking this Saturday).  The guys at work are going to both police me and sponser me 10p per day, for every day I don't smoke, for up to 30days.  All funds to a chosen SIDC charity.  Anyone else want to put their hand in the pocket and sponsor me - it for a good cause !!


    Good luck - Is Bailey giving up with you as well???

    Seems so, I have just sold his tabacco to a couple of the lads in stores - more domestics on the horizon with two people trying to stop !


    Oh my word both of you giving up at the same time - Erin better run for cover lol lol lol lol

    Hey, she's going to be the boss, she already sits me on the naughty step if I have a fag


    Aren't all kids the boss - our run rings around us - have yet to been put on the naughty step though lol lol lol

  11. i always park mine in a corner space if i can,,drivers side against the bit which wont get hit.............................in supermarkets i always park at the top end taking up 2 spaces, i find parking in mother and child leaves yourself wide open to kids playing with trollies,first hand expierience there....


    Or you just send me in to do the shopping while you wait in the car just in case lol lol lol lol

  12. OK, I went to my stop smoking clinic this morning and I have been issued patches.  My stop date is Saturday 21st June 2009 (no joking this Saturday).  The guys at work are going to both police me and sponser me 10p per day, for every day I don't smoke, for up to 30days.  All funds to a chosen SIDC charity.  Anyone else want to put their hand in the pocket and sponsor me - it for a good cause !!


    Good luck - Is Bailey giving up with you as well???

    Seems so, I have just sold his tabacco to a couple of the lads in stores - more domestics on the horizon with two people trying to stop !


    Oh my word both of you giving up at the same time - Erin better run for cover lol lol lol lol

  13. OK, I went to my stop smoking clinic this morning and I have been issued patches.  My stop date is Saturday 21st June 2009 (no joking this Saturday).  The guys at work are going to both police me and sponser me 10p per day, for every day I don't smoke, for up to 30days.  All funds to a chosen SIDC charity.  Anyone else want to put their hand in the pocket and sponsor me - it for a good cause !!


    Good luck - Is Bailey giving up with you as well???

  14. I can nuke my own tea thanks Ed. lol


    What a man that knows how to work the cooker next you will be telling us that you can work the washing machine lol lol lol

    oh dear - yawn yawn yawn pmsl.....................thanks for that Lorna..............................anyway hows that domestic goddeess of yours ( Kev ) pmsl


    He is fine put it this way he was so busy on the phone to Monki earlier that he did not even notice that the kids had their tea good job it wasnt down to him to feed them else they would have to work out how the cooker works themselves lol lol lol

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