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mrs P

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Posts posted by mrs P

  1. yep - agree Lorna - c'mon Kev put your hand in your wallet and get a new laptop for you and let Lorna have the old one pmsl


    No Lou it will be the other way around - I will have the new one lol lol lol


    Sorry Ed had my mind on two things then - I put Lou's name instead of yours sorry sorry sorry!!!

    pmsl mate - you are getting old and confused like me lol


    As the saying goes "I was having a blonde moment" lol lol

  2. hhmmmmm wonder what he is going to treat me to as he has got this now - not holding out much hope of getting anything though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    do some nice ladies subaru stuff on there lorna :P


    Thanks Lou, will have a look later, and perhaps leave the page open on the laptop as you never know he may look and think oh Lorna will like that - won't hold out much hope though as he is useless where it comes to clothes shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. yep - agree Lorna - c'mon Kev put your hand in your wallet and get a new laptop for you and let Lorna have the old one pmsl


    No Lou it will be the other way around - I will have the new one lol lol lol


    Sorry Ed had my mind on two things then - I put Lou's name instead of yours sorry sorry sorry!!!

  4. yep - agree Lorna - c'mon Kev put your hand in your wallet and get a new laptop for you and let Lorna have the old one pmsl


    No Lou it will be the other way around - I will have the new one lol lol lol

  5. lol being new to this site i could not find this topic now i found it and thers 4 pages! so sorry 4 the laste reply im changin my sport as i need the right age bonnet and wana do a wrx bake conversion lower it a bit because the handling is kinda "boatish" haha cheers people!


    Hey us sport owners must stick together.  Look forward to meeting you as me and my hubby (Parker) are from Exeter also.  You should join us next Sunday 30 July for the Weson meet.

  6. may do.....................apple/orange/or banana. the choice is yours....lol lol

    Typical bloke - thinking about their guts all the time!

    (it made ed chuckle though)


    At  least I may get something this year even if it is a piece of fruit - and they say that romance is dead lol lol

    Ed has just bought me some choclate cause he wanted me to cook!


    Honestly men will do anything for food.  At least you get chocolate I don't even get that - I may a thank you for cooking tea if  I am lucky!!!!!!

  7. may do.....................apple/orange/or banana. the choice is yours....lol lol

    Typical bloke - thinking about their guts all the time!

    (it made ed chuckle though)


    At  least I may get something this year even if it is a piece of fruit - and they say that romance is dead lol lol

  8. all reciepts have been kept and neighbours have seen flooded garage as well so she will have to do something soon


    Too right she will have to do something about it because after all it is her responsibility to maintain the property - don't take any stick from her lol lol

  9. hhmmmmm wonder what he is going to treat me to as he has got this now - not holding out much hope of getting anything though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    buy it yourself and say "thanks for paying for this love - just what i wanted"


    Well it is our wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks time so perhaps he might treat me to something nice for this lol lol

  10. i dont know but the garage flooded again today but not as much and thankfully ed and i had put the tumble dryer on 2 concrete blocks this morning!


    At least you have got a good excuse for not doing any washing if the tumble dryer does not work!! only joking I hope it doesn't rain any more!!!

  11. dry at present but with clouds - hope it stays dry got a lot of gardening to do especially if i want a bbq tomorrow

    Will keep fingers crossed for you that it stays dry - although you know what the british weather is like, thought that this is supposed to be our summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. to celebrate a few birthdays of club members and the beginning of what we hope to be another winning show season , pontins at wall park in brixham www.pontins.co.uk  will be near the end of march 2008.

    names down please to register interest

    1 jaminrat louiserat ellie - deluxe club chalet

    2 tory and donna - deluxe club chalet

    3 edmondo sp and sidc mum - deluxe club chalet

    4 monki p1 plus 1 - deluxe club chalet

    5 the bailey family - deluxe club chalet

    6 the parker family if kev says yes :P- deluxe club chalet

    Thanks for putting us up as a possible - it ill obviously depend on the date and cost.  not sure if we will need a one or two bed chalet let.  Can you let us know the price of both when you get them.




  13. give them a bucket of water, kids love water, they'll get soaked, but cool and out of the house lol


    Might do that - Callum will play with water for hours - anything to stop him saying that he is hungry - honestly he has been eating all day, I don't know where he puts it all!!!!!

    Check your handbag, slippers etc. lol


    Will do as he would eat anything lol lol lol

  14. give them a bucket of water, kids love water, they'll get soaked, but cool and out of the house lol


    Might do that - Callum will play with water for hours - anything to stop him saying that he is hungry - honestly he has been eating all day, I don't know where he puts it all!!!!!

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