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About Kit

  1. I was going to argue with you.... then I looked closer, it's just wrong isn't it?!
  2. Hope both the mum and the new arrival are doing well, congratulations!
  3. A Type R isnt the same car as a Type Ra, slightly different set up.
  4. Kit

    Subaru Specialists

    I'm based in mid-wales near Newtown, but I don't mind travelling for a good tuner
  5. Up until now my impreza has been serviced by APi in warwick, but I was wondering if there was anywhere closer for me to get work done on my pride and joy?
  6. Any idea what that box is rated up to?
  7. Kit

    M P G

    Yeah they are very economical, but as soon as you floor it you can actually see the fuel gauge going down.
  8. kinda looks like the ******* child of a new shape astra and a bmw 1 series, with a chav front bumper
  9. Use regular unleaded with an octane booster? I can only get 97ron fuel around my parts... 115p a litre
  10. Good man. I remember the day that I found out about it, I just froze... I didn't really know what to think, as a kid I always watched the WRC just to see Colin race... I didn't care too much about the other drivers I was just in awe of how relaxed and fluid his driving was. Two of my heros were taken well before their time... but i'm happy that his legend lives on and i'll do everything I can to be at the gathering.
  11. Before I say anything how fast are Higgys & Peter's cars?
  12. I don't like the bumper, wing, colour or wheels and the rear arches could do with a mod to beef them up to match the front.... i'd pay no more than 3k for an impreza like that as long as it had no problems, max.
  13. Very cute
  14. I've got an RA, it's a different driving experiance.
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