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Everything posted by fattb

  1. Thanks guys i will just leave as is
  2. Is it ok to drive without it
  3. At my last service the dealer said the turbo heatshield was bit loose and that they would tighten it up at the next service as it was a fiddly job ! Anyhow i had forgotten all about it up until today when i noticed a rattle coming from under the bonnet, you can see the heatshield is buggered now, and i found a piece of cladding that could of been part of it but I'm just not sure Any ideas on how easy/expensive these are to replace and should the car be ok to run minus this piece of shielding, i know its only a small part but i guess it was there for a reason ! enclosed a few pics The yellow circle is roughly where i found the cladding bit the offending piece ! Oh the car is an 05 STI
  4. White classic with carbon bonnet on the A228 this am, i was heading towards the M20, i waved and i think you looked shocked that someone was waving at you at 05:50am
  5. 14 days gone no NIP
  6. Have you seen this one
  7. OMG That is un-erring dedication, full respect
  8. Didn't realise they were doing this .......although it would explain why my tom Tom started warning me of scameras
  9. Thanks guys, do they actually have to stop you to issue an NIP then ?
  10. Was driving home tonight on the M20, and got stuck behind a few cars in the outside lane, car one a ordinary looking Astra just sitting there not moving over, behind him a Range Rover right on his bumper, then a Bora, then me They speedup, then up slow down only gradually mind, this Astra is not moving over for love nor money, I'm heading down Wrotham hill now not yet at the M26 junction, i go past an Evo in the middle lane just cruising, the Bora then gets pissed off and decides to undertake using the inside lane because there is loads of space, dosen't do it quickly or aggressively as he does so the Astra speeds up, Bora moves into middle lane and the Astra keeps matching his speed and draws level blocking him as there is now another car in the middle lane, Astra then acclerates past the bora and other car the with the Rangey still sellotaped to his bumper, Bora decides he wants no more and stays in the middle lane the Astra pulls in at last , the Range rover speeds off into the distance, and the Evo is now behind me, I pull in to let the Evo past so I'm behind the Astra (hope your following this !) I then pull out to pass the Astra which i do, the Evo now decides to boot it so i follow with a short burst, Check my rear view mirror and there's the Astra blue lights hidden in the grill a blazing, Doh he must of just been egging everyone on for the sake of it, maybe he flashed the blue lights at the Bora as well, Anyway i pull over straight away he goes passed me and a van the Evo spots it and pulls in as well, the Astra cut's in in front of the Evo and eventually gets in the slow lane to turn off at Larkfield It was a bog standard Blue Astra and didn't look like it was kitted out at all at a glance, He didn't try to stop me or the Evo or the Speeding Range Rover for that matter. Does anyone think i should be waiting for letter through the post as i was briefly travelling quite quickly , or like me do you think it was just some off duty cops in a bad mood ? Sorry for the long rangey post
  11. Silver like the guy's hair
  12. I had a good nose round that one on the w/e the boot was only just big enough to take his golf clubs The front splitter he's put on looks ok, not to sure on the CF bits, I have to say i really like the interior good step up for Subaru
  13. Well i'm pretty sure i asked them to check it given the type of impact not that i should of had to , what can i do ? they will probably say you must of kerbed it etc etc Gonna get the 30k service out of the way at the w/e with Subaru then start using independants
  14. I reckon its took 2k miles to kill the rears after my spin, found out why :eek: This was they best they could get it to whilst they couldn't see anything wrong something maybe be bent a mil or 2 Drives so much better now
  15. I posted this on SN just wondered if anyone else had some thoughts here I bought a set of these mid Nov last year and whilst cleaning the car the other day i noticed the rears are really worn right on the wear indicators yet the fronts have 2mm till the wear indicators maybe more The wear is really even across both rear tyres, the only thing that may have affected was i had a small spin 2 months ago which result in a new Wheel/wheel bearing/ I think but couldn't be sure they did the tracking as well (Subaru dealer) The car drives perfectly no pulling/vibrations everything seems ok I would put the mileage at 7k on this set Any thoughts ?
  16. Ditton
  17. Ditto, Had a mail from Bob Rawle last night who said it may be "drive by emissions mode" as it has been driven quite carefully the last week or so Definately felt better last night on a fresh tank of V-Power and a good thrashing for a few miles Loonybin can i see how it go's for a few days in case it dosen't need a scan and i waste your time, but thanks for the kind offer Thanks Tony
  18. thanks Loonybin sent a pm i think !
  19. No always V-power (have the ferraris to prove it ) maybe was a cr4p consignment Will try and have a look at the maf tonight, Thanks for replys so far Tony
  20. Nope, just feels like its holding back a bit, probably the warm weather
  21. I have an 05, can the fault scan pick up a dogey maf ? never used to be able to on my VAG cars
  22. No not yet, not sure what i need to do, is it easy to unclip/take out of the housing, I have done this only my old VAG cars but not on the Scoob, Should i use isopropanol ?
  23. Does anyone know where i can get a fault scan done around the Maidstone area (non main dealer), or does someone have the equipment and a free 30 mins one night this week ? , would be willing to pay Think i may have a faulty maf or something Rgds Tony
  24. Spotted a new shape STI this at about 08:45 on the A20 heading towards West malling I did wave but didn't Also spotted (think i saw this in an existing post) New shape STI at Waldonway, got to say i really like it, the interior is way better, probably on a par with my old MK5 GTI Golf rally pleasantly surprised
  25. Think i saw dazzlers82 in my rear view on the A20 you turned left just after the wow factors place in larkfield
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