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About krisr1978

  1. looks like its going to be poo weather :-( should make the track action interesting though im on the ujcc stand but will pop over at some point to say hi to you all
  2. will do :-) always been good at the ones iv made in the past
  3. now thats an idea :-) i will have a word with liz and see what she thinks
  4. would like to come but we have the kids friday nights so we will have to give it a miss again :-(
  5. thats an awesome looking car!! i wont say how much im paying off on my loan a month :-(
  6. good luck with the new job :-) but if i was u i would go out for a drink to celebrate!!
  7. it was a good meet :-) really enjoyed it even though i had to get off early
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