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Everything posted by SIDC Mum

  1. WELL DONE RAE Weather was on your side .r Radio kept saying bad weather in the swindon area .So i kept everything crossed for you
  2. Good luck Rae Will keep every thing crossed for you But it should be a doddle for you
  3. I will start the ball rolling for you darling. 1.S.I.D.C. Mum - 20p a lb that you lose plus x amount for the amount you have lost already
  4. Well who's a clever boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Feel sure the next part is just a formality for someone of your age and experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. It is with great delight that i would like to congratulate my daughter on passing her driving theory test this morning and with an extremely high scores in both the multiple choice section and hazard awareness section. She has since told me that it was booked BEFORE she started driving lessons and that she had known about it for over a month but had not informed anyone not even Ed. WELL DONE JACQUI - NOW GET YOUR PRACTICAL DONE!
  6. OMG
  7. Well done Steve Worth all the hassle
  8. This looks like it might be january 08 time now as we done have enough to put the order through.
  9. came across a thread on a local site and thought members would be intrested in what has been said about how the sidc south west regions came across as professional at the swms! here is the link! http://club-jap.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3116
  10. Thanks Ian For your good wishes Am home alone as my birthday didnt fall on a good day but up to no2 daughter over the weekend and she appears to have plans!!!!!! Jacqui is taking me to a show in the new year so my birthday will be a prolonged one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is your foot hope it behaved itsself at the ball and you managed a few turns round the dancefloor
  11. Happy Birthday to you to Dont get too drunk but have a good day
  12. Do we have any dates yet so i can start saving my pennies as i will be an OAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAILEY YOU ARE HOW OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I I DONT BELIEVE IT
  14. Would love to see the garage owners face when Jacqui turns up to reclaim her scooby with the SIDC heavy mob Only kidding boys Youre a credit to the club
  15. Suggest you get plenty of bird food in as you appear to be in competition with Slimbridge Do hope it dries up soon
  16. Stop making excuses and concentrate on the benefits A nice holiday for you and the family or even a few bits for the car According to a paper recently you could save up to £1,200 in a year
  17. Suggest a bill is sent to land lady or at least keep the receipts and take plenty of pics More rain is forecast
  18. Anyone got a vtdeo camera
  19. According to ceefax SWINDON had a MONTHS rainfall in half a day Wheres it all coming from Dont want to play being a duck anymore
  20. Feel sure i can help I always enjoy Tatton Shame its not this weekend as the Flower Show is on but then again the weather forecast isnt to good
  21. Well said Monki Ithink both Ed and Jacqui have found out who their true friendsare in the last 6 months
  22. Hi louise Thought you could drive Can just see you Jacqui and Sam burning the track up at Castle Combe I think the boys might have something to say about that
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