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Everything posted by wrxwillo

  1. I'm not going either! Never been before but haven't heard great reports to be honest[N]
  2. Must admit mine was the dirtiest it had ever been after that run. Took some satisfaction in the fact that it looked like it had been used though[6]. - There're not just for show []
  3. LOL[] I'd best be on my guard on Sunday then lol[]
  4. Had photoshop open and couldn't resist. [] I'm thinkin' the little decal on the side might be something to consider though. Maybe even a sponsorship deal?????????????????????????????? To be fair the S202 got pretty wet (and dirty) in Wales that day[]
  5. Are you sure it didn't look more like this?[]
  6. Julian, Where bout in St. Helens you from m8? Used to live in Eccleston as a lad & went to Rainford high school[]
  7. Quality Vid Jonah. Even managed to get a bit of me edited in at the end I see [Y] Was a great morning (apart from the weather) - My brakes are still cooking now!!!! []
  8. Nice one. I think I know the way then. I used to have an Elise and got it serviced at Christopher Neil's and went that way to get there. I presume it's one of the pubs on the way! Cheers!
  9. I'm going for the 1st time so if ya are goin' & you wanna meet up somewhere local 1st just give me a pm[]
  10. Cheers m8. So many mods I want but so little cash[:^)] Have seen the one with the red flaps. Always awknowlege each other but don't think I've seen yours. Will keep an eye out m8[]
  11. You know the score!..... like I said, Working on it!
  12. Not gonna be able to make that weekend at the mo but working on it []
  13. Jonah, how ya gettin' along with that video you promised us m8? []
  14. So basically stop being a cheapscate and get your subs paid! [:$] Cheers Andy[Y]
  15. Have uploaded an Avatar and it then says waiting approval. How long does it take. I uploaded it on Sunday and have heard or seen nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![:'(] Should I be doing something different?[8-)]
  16. Great day (or should I say morning/ middle of the night[|-)]) out! Had a great time with a good bunch of Lads (if not a little unhinged when it got to the triangle lol []) Big thanks to John (aka Gunther) & Andy (aka Jonah) for going out of their way to let me follow them and making me feel welcome. Will definately try and get to some more meets including the one on the 20th! Didn't take many pics but here are some of the ones I did take! Short video....... Thanks again fellas [Y]
  17. cheers m8. Had been after one for ages and managed to get a silver one off ebay. Fitted it friday just gone[]
  18. Realised when I came to upload that I didn't have any recent pics and I've had a new spoiler and detangoed since the last photies were take. Just been outside and took a few but the lights pretty poor. Anyway I'll stop rambling now...................
  19. good stuff! Is it quite a popular run then. Not heard of it before.
  20. Lol. Can see it's gonna be fun on here. [] Had a look at you web page Jonah and the oulton park day out. Looks pretty speedy for a "doodied up GL" []
  21. Added my name to the list!..... Will it be a "spirited" drive or just a ride out if you know what I mean!?
  22. Cheers fellas. Just been looking at the Evo Triangle thing. Think I will if that's ok.[Y]
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