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Big P UK300

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Everything posted by Big P UK300

  1. oops ! http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/bi...32/DSC00004.jpg
  2. IMG]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa74/bigpuk232/DSC00004.jpg[/img And the obligatory scenic pic ! Paul
  3. Traffic polis that hide behind bushes , walls , parked cars etc. The M8 every day and all the sh*t drivers who use it Shuggy non smokers evo's & beemers
  4. Going to take the car to the garage sometime next week to have this checked out , but was wondering if anybody had an idea what it might be ? Occasionally when reversing or pulling away slowly , im getting a noise from the rear end that can be best described as someone blowing over the top of a bottle (if that makes sense) A sort deep pitched squeak Any thoughts ? Thank's Paul
  5. Got mine yesterday ! Graphics and gameplay are quite good , It will do until Gran Turismo 5 gets released
  6. Still waiting on Keith Micheals and a-plan getting back to me Tried admiral They quoted me £1460 The quote i originally mentioned was £620 , looks like i will just have to take a high excess
  7. Thank's for all your input ! Im waiting on Keith Micheals getting back to me , but i still have over a week left to find a good deal I dont feel quite as bad now after seeing what some of you pay for insurance Thank's again Paul
  8. Cheers I havent tried them , so heres hoping !
  9. Hi People Got my re-newal letter in from my insurance the other day , only to find its went up by almost £180 So i've told them to ram it ! , Thing is i thought with a bit of time on some price comparison websites that i was sure to get a good deal and although i did get the quotes back down to a reasonable price , most of these had compulsery exess's of £ 500 - £ 800 Am i the only one who is getting quotes from Dick Turpin or has anyone else found this , or has everyone's insurance gone up aswell ? Does anyone have any suggestions , incase there is a magical insurance company out there i dont know about ? And its not an age issue either as im in my mid-30's with full no claims Cheers Paul
  10. Nice ! I like it !
  11. Cheers for the advice , Seen his name mentioned a million times on here but thought you just went to him for a bit of tuning , never occured to me that he would sort problems out aswell Thank's again
  12. I had a similar problem last year , took it up to AWD in Perth and they told me it was a sensor that needed replaced . I paid £400 for the work , and within a month it was doing the same again. It still does it to this day Some days the car feels fine , others it feels as if someone has dissconnected my turbo , havent had it looked at since . If the guys at AWD who work with them everyday cant figure it out what chance have you got !
  13. Went to see it last night , The first film is still the best by a long way , but worth a watch , too much American muscle but apart from that it was no bad Gives you the excuse to take the long way home with the stereo up and burn some extra fuel
  14. Cheers Grant ! Same to you & Andy and the rest of the guys ! Paul
  15. Could be worse Someone could have caught it on a mobile and posted it on you tube That would be funny
  16. The pic of my rear quarter panel was 1 of a few i had to take for insurance purposes after some wannabee farmer in his landrover cut out into me as i was pulling into the kerb In total , i think the damage came to £2700.00 , but that was nearly 2 years ago The repair job was good apart from my new rear door sounds hollow when you close it ! Paul
  17. Nice motor , Kenny ! Do you work at TNT in Edinburgh ? I travel through there for work and ive seen a uk300 in the TNT carpark a few times Mine's is the uk300 that G T said he had as his first scoob , Cant keep with STI 's , but still a lot of fun http://s283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/b...nt=100_0582.jpg
  18. Quality
  19. Stunning looking bugeye m8
  20. Nice ! I was thinking either gun metal grey (like yours) or white im gony get my mate to photoshop them for me before i make up my mind ! How much did they skin u , and how long were they away for ?
  21. Any pics m8 ? I was thinking of doing the same early next year
  22. Busy day at work yesterday (not) , so the new wax came out , also a very nice Supra outside my work
  23. http://i283.photobucket.com/http://i283.ph...00/DSC00030.jpg Dont know if ive posted these up properly , but they are the only 2 worth showing !
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