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Big P UK300

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Everything posted by Big P UK300

  1. Ive been wanting to change the colour of my interior bulbs that display the speedo , rev counter , etc! I dont like the original green ilumination . Ive seen blue led's for sale on e-bay that would look really good especially with the yellow needles (subaru colours) Has anyone bought these and fitted them? Does anyone think i should'nt bother ? All opinions appreciated
  2. I drive a newage (bugeye) and waved to a green wagon (classic) last night , only to be totally blanked
  3. He was the best at what he did , the guy was a driving masterclass ! He will be remembered by my generation forever , and sadly missed Paul
  4. Your lights look good m8 ! Modifing your car is the best thing you can do , to whatever car you drive ! It makes it your own and stands out from the crowd ! If most people on here have a major proplem with having anything but standard parts on your car , then (PANTS) P
  5. Yeah , if your sure its safe to , its good to just blow people away that try and get cheeky in their 1.2's Paul
  6. Im in the clydebank area , just up the road I have seen your scoob before mate , but the one i was talking about was mostly red wi silver trim arond the bottom and the biggest exhaust i think ive seen
  7. Was it the red and silver wagon with Gravel Express written on the side of it ? I used to see this wagon all the time on the A82 , but have'nt seen it for a while (nice motor)
  8. Bet all the roads up there are super smooth and empty ! While we have to put up with speed camera's , average speed camera's , and speed bumps that resemble small mountains []
  9. My first piece of good fortune happened yesterday travelling down to Balloch on the (A82) , while waiting for someone to move in so i could pass them a merc a-class came round the bend towards me flashing it's lights like mad , so everyone moves into the inside lane and slow's to the limit (40) and sure enough just round the next bend were plod with the speed gun out [] On returning back home late last night on the (A82) between c/bank and drumry roundabout's , i was just cruising at 60 , when out of nowhere a traffic beemer appeared parked up on the ccentral reservation so i hit the brakes , but as i went passed they came out after me (all light's blazing) and pulled me ! After a quick walk round the car and a lecture for doing 60mph in a 50 zone they just let me on my way [] Must have been my lucky night , could have ended up wi 6 points but got back home wi my clean licence still intact []
  10. Thank's for the info lad's ! I will go out just now and try and locate the filler hole Paul []
  11. Hi People , Can someone tell me what the dipstick is for behind the turbo ? and how to fill it ? I checked this yesterday only to find the dipstick came out bone dry ! Im assuming that this is for transmission fluid but i dont know how to top it up (its an '01 wrx) Cheers Paul [*-)]
  12. Had the same problem myself last week , An Elise tried to get cheeky away from a set of lights , so i floored it in 1st 2nd and 3rd gear , then my emissions light came on. I phoned awd to see if Grant had any ideas and he said the same thing about possible dirty fuel ! So i drove the car slowly for a couple of short journey's but my light went off later that day and has'nt come back on since , I know this wont help you much but i suppose there is a chance yours might go off too [] Paul
  13. Aye mate , the dent is right on the bend as the panel curves round . I have'nt had a chance to try to get the dent out yet cause of work but im hoping for nice weather tomorrow so i can have a go , i'll have a go wi the plunger first as the dent is'nt that deep , but if i dont get any joy with that i think i'll try the hair dryer & co'2 method. I would grudge giving any bodyshop a penny till ive tried myself [] Paul
  14. Looks easy enough on the thread ! P []
  15. Im Amazed ! ! ! I owe you a beer for that m8 (if your ever in my neck of the woods) Paul
  16. Thank's again I'll let you know how it goes ! P
  17. Cheers mate , That sounds too easy to be true , but i'll gee it a go tomorrow (weather permitting) What would you recommend using as the co'2 ?? P
  18. Hi People , Sometime in the past 2 days , someone decided that my bugeye was in need of a dent beside the rear window(ar******s) the dent is quite shallow and the paint has 'nt been cracked . Does anyone know a way with some magic tool that i could get this pulled out without going to a bodyshop or calling dentmaster Advise appreciated ! Paul
  19. Hi People , Im having a clearout cos im moving next week , There's a standard impreza head unit if anyone wants it. (dont suppose anyone will) but i thought i would ask before it goes in the bin ! Paul
  20. Cheers for your help Iain ! P
  21. Mine ! (managed to post it up at last)[]
  22. Cheers for the guide mate , but as you've probably gathered by now im not the most computer literate [*-)] Could you explain the last bit in more detail ( about pasting the line into the thread) Computer numpty - Paul
  23. I was also told that this was a weak point wi Impreza's Fellow bug-eye also goin up to AWD on sat ! maybe see you up there [H] Paul
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