Right, am not to happy today ! This is what happened, see what you think and say if i was ever in the wrong ? As i was coming home from work this afternoon stuck in convoy of traffic. In the rear view a seen some idiot in VW jetta was over taking a car at a time, getting no where ! he overtook me and cut into a space that wasn't there. Got to a crawler lane just outside Elgin, there was the VW another car and me overtook a bus, i carried on and past the car and pulled in just in front of the VW. As we got to the top of the crawler lane the VW then pulled out to overtake me again going on to chevrons and faced a head on with another car ! he then slapped on the brakes and pulled in behind me, giving me what looked like a mouth full of abuse ! After i flipped a very deserved bird out the window[:@] i got my apprentice to take down his reg number. 10 Min's back into Elgin the police pull me over and say that it was reported that i was racing, i told them what iv just told you and gave them the VW drivers reg number. They said they would try and find him and get back to me.
anyone think anything will come of it ?