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About gordon_macdonald

  1. I know the car but not the owner ur talking about The same car has been mentioned to me by one of mates who works in Orbiston Ind Est He sees & hears it quite a lot cheers gordon
  2. I'd have to agree with john that shock tactics don't work and its always a big issue in the motorcycle news Whats needed is a system that doesn't just teach people (young or old) to pass their driving test. We need a system that teaches proper road craft so that we can all be safer when traveling at speed because as soon as the wheels start turning it wouldn't make any difference to your reaction if a driver kills ur loved one whether they were speeding or not. U would still want to see justice done. Lets face it a driving licience is a privalage not a right but when u see some of the very poor driving standards on the roads today it's a wonder there r not more accidents. I'm no angel, As a younger driver i was a total hooligan & very lucky not to have killed someone. (3 serious accidents in 3 years[:$] 1 a year from when i passed my test) It took me a long time to realise that using the public highway as my personnel race track just isn't on. I still drive hard & fast on public roads but only on roads i know very well and when its quite. i.e. late at night (after 10pm) & early in the morning (before 7am) thus reducing the risk to other road users. (I hope) Im still learning all the time and in my opinion its the drivers / riders who think they have finished learning as soon as they pass their test that r the real danger on the roads. gordon
  3. NEWAGES No. Name YEAR MODEL Double Zero MY01 WRX Mrs Jc scoob MY01 WRX Keap_scooby MY01 WRX Chris_c201 MY01 WRX Scooby Doom MY01 WRX Aberscoob MY01 WRX ScoUK MY01 WRX Nitchiec MY01 WRX UK300 Dietbruboy MY01 WRX Sheep MY01 WRX 360ste MY02 STI Kev 580 MY02 STI Type UK GaryD & lesley MY02 STI Type UK hammy MY02 STI Type UK SG MY02 STI Type UK Dave (Helium) MY02 STI Type UK CYP_rock MY02 STI Type UK Scooby-Girl MY02 STI Type UK Westtra MY02 STI Type UK KINGHORN MY02 STI Type UK mjci7nt2 MY02 STI ScubaRoo MY02 WRX steve_nairn_sti MY02 WRX Higgy MY02 WRX Cal MY02 WRX moto MY02 WRX Rhindpiece MY02 WRX Z1000 MY03 STI Type UK Karps MY03 STI Type UK ScOObarOO MY03 STI Type UK Dean MY03 STI Type UK MR Orkney MY03 STI Type UK rallye 6 MY03 WRX Stu_B MY03 WRX Irish Al MY03 WRX oobster MY03 WRX bigbadboab MY03 WRX DrewG MY03 WRX mctwistuk MY03 WRX Gogsie MY04 STI JDM STi_Bandit MY04 STI Type UK Fai 17 MY04 STI Type UK Scoobymark MY04 STI Type UK scoobyiain MY04 STI TYPE UK scoob fae ork MY04 STI TYPE UK Dipsy MY05 STI JDM G. Mac MY05 STI Type UK Digital MY05 STI Type UK Clutdav MY05 STI Type UK Kebab Nemesis MY05 STI Type UK Craig Mac MY05 STI Type UK ali37 MY05 STI Type UK Big Den MY05 STI Type UK COLZO MY05 STI Type UK st3ph3n MY05 WRX Mako MY05 WRX Mrs Big Den MY05 WRX scoobysailor MY05 WRX PECO MY05 WRX jimser MY05 WRX Snoopy MY05 WRX Arch MY05 WRX young-buch27 MY05 WRX Paul C 555 MY05 WRX PPP Fraz. A MY05 WRX 300 craigwrx MY05 WRX 300 Zeolite MY05 WRX 300 Spaceman MY05 WRX swrt 4hero MY06 STI Type UK STI Pretender MY06 STI Type UK dynamix MY06 STI Type UK b16dmc MY06 STI Type UK TheBlackSheep MY06 STI Type UK IainC MY06 STI Type UK Ian Coulter MY06 STI spec D (EU) NKWRX MY06 WRX The Welsho MY06 WRX Boyakasha MY07 STI Type UK Richie Cross MY05 WRX Wagon PPP Gordoncbr6 MY06 WRX Wagon Classics No. Name YEAR MODEL jodie typeRA MY92 type RA Weeb MY93 STi power D.S MY93 JDM WRX scoobyfuzzy MY93 WRX Todd MY93 WRX Mako MY93 WRX stevie 4 MY93 WRX TURBO John Stevenson MY94 RA 2.5 MY94 MY94 JDM STi V1 Wagon WRXMANIA MY94 JDM WRX STI Version 1 Road Warrior MY94 WRX Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX STI Euan_r MY94 UK WAGON Gambler MY95 JDM WRX Kenny. S MY95 STi Type RA andy findlay MY95 JDM WRX neilswrx MY95 wrx import Ac!D MY95 UK billyyoung MY95 UK Gordyq MY95 WRX FastScooby MY95 WRX johnh MY95 WRX WRX Haz MY95 WRX Type RA micra_wrc MY96 STi type RA V-Limited Pongo MY96 STi TYPE RA TheSquirrel555 MY96 WRX STI LIMITED 555 Gus the Bus MY96 WRX STI 555 coulty MY96 WRX STI V2 Pugpaul MY96 WRX Wagon jonnyb80 MY96 uk turbo Oz *sti* MY96 STI v3 ScottySTI MY97 JDM STI v3 butcher boy MY97 JDM WRX Ross9 MY97 STi4 Type R WRC No1 MY97 UK Catalunya80 MY97 UK Cat No. 80 Duncatr MY97 UK Cat No. 99 Jamis MY97 UK Turbo Simmie MY97 UK Turbo Wagon John Stevenson MY97 UK Turbo Wagon tosh32 MY97 Sport Jamis MY97 UK Turbo Arbroath Smokie MY98 22B John Stevenson MY98 Secret Project Carl Davey MY98 STi RA Seafar99 MY98 STI v5 Wagon RubyTheScooby MY98 Sport Darryll MY98 Type R scientific steve MY98 Type R scoobykev MY98 UK Thebluedragon MY98 UK Terzo No 54 Terzo Neil MY98 UK Terzo No. 306 scoobyscoop MY98 UK Turbo Wagon MrBadger MY98 UK Turbo Wagon John Stevenson MY98 UK WR PPP RRS 555 MY98 UKTURBO Saloon SCOOBAY MY99 22B Type UK Col 666 MY99 Type R mslorach MY99 RB5 No.41 graemegj MY99 UK Sport Wagon Boris B MY99 UK Turbo Wagon Bigdavie MY99 Turbo Jc scoob MY99 UK Frank C MY99 UK Turbo Stripe MY99 UK Turbo RS Grant MY99 UK Turbo philip_w MY99 UK Turbo Greenmonster MY99 UK Turbo Haribo1187 MY99 UK Turbo PPP Ian Coulter MY99 UK Turbo (for sale) Shep MY99 Sport Smiler AS MY99 Sport Whitelaw MY00 P1 Hepy MY00 P1 Rossco MY00 Type R ScoobySounds MY00 JDM WRX Iqy MY00 UK Turbo thefastone MY00 UK Turbo Nanaki MY00 UK Turbo Cullenmin MY00 UK Turbo Fiefster MY00 UK Turbo Wagon Marky.t.s MY00 UK Turbo Ally-b MY00 UK Kloon MY00 UK Vicki MY00 UK Dtabbit77 MY00 UK SergeantScooby MY00 JDM Type R BIG DEL MY00 UK WAGON Tazman MY99/00 UK Turbo Wagon
  4. Anti Roll Bar was havin a blonde moment when i read ur description 1st time round[:$] gordon
  5. Whats ARB and what does it do ? While were on the subject of suspension & the like does anybody know why the s/wagon has a narrower track than the saloon approx 20mm and why the sti is wider than the saloon WRX approx 10mm cheers gordon
  6. QE THE THIRD ?????? what does this mean Marty
  7. should i just pm him cheers gordon
  8. Can anybody tell me where the best place to buy a whiteline anti lift kit is & once its fitted where to get the alignment done cheers gordon
  9. U could forgive the man for his ally welding as its hard as feck to get right but his stainless should be spot on
  10. heated seats clinched it for me when i bought mine how do u still have a warranty on the blob eye? dont ur mods invalidate th warranty
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