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Everything posted by scoobzie

  1. hi mark sorry to hear about the car m8 will keep a look out in cumbernauld for you i no alot of peeps out that way m8 if your car is round that way m8 i will find out m8 but from what you have said it sounds like your car was taken by someone who knows you or your routen from past experince m8 thats more than likley what it has been am gutted for you m8 hope they get the b427ards cheers scoobzie
  2. sorry to hear about the accident m8 you really do get some real scum around our neck of the woods was the car stolen or what post up some detail and get the little b827ards caught i live in the parkhead area and get that sort of thing all the time its good that your ok m8 the car can be replaced you cant take car scoobzie
  3. hi guys i have oil weeping through the seal on the gearbox side of my driveshaft can anyone tell me if i put in a new gearbox will this part be included in it or will i have to use the old part i need a new gearbox anyway as it is sniching in some gears when power changing any help will be greatly appreciated
  4. no m8 spending my cash on the mods and my type ra when i find a good one cheers scoobzie
  5. hi kris yes got home no probs m8 the car ran superb on the run home but got it checked out and the clutch is done so as i said a triple plate clutch is going in i have decided to mod the life out of it and see what bhp i get out of it i have a new gearbox going in aswell but i am still going to build my track car with the 700bhp i am looking to source a good type ra for that purpose it was nice to chat with yourself m8 you sure have a nice impreza you would be of your head to sell up i have decided to call it a day with crail for the moment and spend the cash between the 2 cars i hope too see you again m8 take care scoobzie
  6. hi guys well thats my carr on its third clutch in 2 months the last one was 3 weeks old i killed it at crail on sunday i was told it would withstand the pressure but obviusly not it was a stage one exedy so have put a triple plate clutch in it this time and see how i get on with that so my initial thoughts are if i am going to spend so much on the clutch i am just going to build a fast road & track car so time to stretch the credit card lol cheers scoobzie[]
  7. hi jon seen tour car in action on sunday i was racing you in the blue classic but my clutch jammed and the revs were sitting on the red at take of and couldnt get them to come down you would have kicked my ass anyhow welcome aboard m8
  8. hi guys does any of you no were i can locate this part on my car is it in the gearbox or do any of you no were i can get a replacment gearbox supplied and fitted in the glasgow area as my box is snitching going from 3rd to 4th when driving hard any help will be greatly appreciated
  9. hi guys was there today with my classic blue 2000 turbo got a few runs in but my gearbox kept jumping out of first then my clutch would jam on in every gear it is a new clutch so will have to get it sorted there was quite a few nice scoobiez today and a big thanx to jack for the cool route up to crail this morning looking forward to the next one i hope you all made it home safe the misses enjoyed today aswell so cheers guys scoobzie
  10. is this worth going to i dont think it will be 15 quid but if it is then i would turn back i mean come on its not exactly york or elvington the place is a dump i will see all you guys at 8 am cheers scoobzie
  11. welcome m8
  12. sounds to me like hes jelouse lol maybe his misses wont let him have one [:'(]
  13. bottom line m8 is your service provider being aol ask bt to up your line capability at the exchange for you to receive faster broadband if for talking sake you have something that could draw the signal away from router then that is were your fault lies ie to many comps at one time or if you have to many boxes running of the main line into other rooms hope this helps scoobzie
  14. top car m8 welcome to the forum cheers scoobzie
  15. chis the cars looking minted mate i hope you get your time down m8 i no how much it annoyed you the last time but ass you say practice makes perfect cheers scoobzie
  16. welcome m8
  17. hello and welcome m8
  18. congratulations
  19. welcome 2 the forum m8 cheers scoobzie
  20. kwikfit m8 they are insured if they damage anything
  21. hi m8 and welcome to the forum [Y]
  22. hi m8 can u tell me if the car was a white with a mid leval spoiler with big wrx sticker just beside the rear boot lock its just i no of one in the area and it could have been him was it a 2 door or 4 what sort of wheels did it have if u can give me any info i would be glad to help u out m8 and find out if its the sameone cheers scoobzie
  23. jac i tried it out just before my clutch kicked it i found it works really well the only thing is getting the car to sit still at the lights but once this is mastered i will be calling andy this week to get the car mapped so i have a busy week ahead with parts to get fitted anyway hope all is good and cheers for the replys looking forward to the next run up with you i should be able to keep up lol cheers scoobzie
  24. i was speaking to a m8 who is into 1/4 mile racing he gave me some advice on how to launch he said to hold the reves at 3000 aswell as getting your bitting point let the clutch out from bitting point and floor it and was told its easyer on the car and gives you better reaction times so i will try this next time cheers scoobzie
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