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Terry Butcher

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Everything posted by Terry Butcher

  1. nope, does not work on the Toyota Starlet, sorry m8!! good effort though
  2. will have to try this out eh? see if it works
  3. when i left the RAF after 29 years (should have been 30 but due to their carelessness I was damaged goods and they refused to let me continue) I got around 38 grand which sounds nice EXCEPT at the time I had to leave others were taking voluntary redundancy for service of far less than 20 years and getting over 90 grand, they cleared their mortgages and i could not, plus being left disabled i felt somewhat agrieved that they got so much
  4. 1.s.p/edmondo - Somerset and Wiltshire 2.Parker - Devon 3.Glyn sti - Wales 4.emma - Somerset and Wiltshire 5.Robocop - Somerset and Wiltshire 6.Terry Butcher - Fenland Flat Fours, Lincolnshire 7.Monkip1 - Somerset and Wiltshire 8.Dannyboy007 - Wales 9.kjdmk1 - Wales 10.jd/vix - Devon 11.bailey - Somerset and Wiltshire 12.Evil Soup - Wales 13.Redscooby - CADS 14.Ozzreid1964 - Wales 15.WR1JLD (JLDSTI) - Wales 16.wrxsti - Wales 17.WRX RCY - Wales 18.Wrx 287 - Wales 19.Pippyrips - Wales 20.JDSword - Wales 21.Bossurk - Wales 22.Ozz Reid - Wales 23. Silver Scooby Sport - Wales 24. Tidgy - Nottingham, shall try and get down for this one , shall confirm nearer the time 25. Blue Dragoon - Wales 26. Tiny gsy- Guernsey, its only a possibility at this stage though 27. Dan W - Wales 28. RESERVED 29. RESERVED 30. RESERVED 31. RESERVED 32. RESERVED
  5. 32.13 mpg I did 311 miles and put in less than 44 litres at 98.9p per litre. A long, slow and frustrating journey from Oswestry to Snowdonia to Lincolnshire
  6. no m8, my scoob was in lincolnshire, the Legacy was in Paignton and i was on the train, lol
  7. Looked quickly down there. Need a garage for the trsiler and bikes plus parking for three cars. Needs to be quite flat to get the trailer in and out (1.5 tonnes). A double garage would be great. Debs moves down on Tuesday (I come with her for that part of the move then come home on Thursday). See you all soon.
  8. and a few more pics You can also see the car in Total Impreza Mag (me cleaning the engine compartment at JAE) and Banzai (just, at CIN 2006 at Norwich)
  9. this is my motor and it will be moving to your area soon
  10. you got any meets on 23rd or 24th October? The only family you will see will be me and the missus, kids now 20 and 22 and effectively left home, thank god!!! but son may appear from time to time till he finishes uni. Thanks for all the advice folks
  11. If I am there by then I would be interested too..... sooooo s.p/edmondo Parker Glyn sti emma Robocop Terry Butcher
  12. Thanks folks, unfortunately did not get a chance to check the site before I left so stayed in a low grade one in Garfield road. Within an hour of arriving saw many Scoobs around the area, mainly silver and black classics and then got an agg thrown at me which buggered up my best trousers. Nice welcome! Got verbally abused by several lots of drunks too, not a very pleasant experience. However got the missus sorted with somewhere to stay, Cranmore Villa? on Marine Drive or thereabouts. Very nice pad for a few months till we sell up here and I can buy down there. Liked the houses around Penine Drive and Snowdonia Close. Dunno how they will take to a Scoob and two noisy Harley Davidsons tho, lol. Nice part of the world you got there, my poor old Starlet struggled up and down the hills, we do not have many round these parts. Never used 1st and 2nd so much in my life! See you guys soon. Will be down on 23rd but not in the Scoob. Gotta take the Starlet and a Harley down. Tel
  13. Thanks, but I will not bring the Scoob this time (cost) I will probs bring the Legacy or the Toyota. If you know what it is called I would appreciate it Tel
  14. Not a problem, I'll have the house and u can have the tent, cheers mate!!
  15. Thanks, not too cheap tho!!! Don't want missus to kill me.
  16. Nooooo. Not been down your way at all, only owned my car for 11 months. Not me I am afraid
  17. Visiting on Friday to look for house and staying till sunday. Anyone know of a decent cheapish b&b in paington or Totnes area?
  18. Erm, well I cannot play footie, but I can make a wicked meal, lol
  19. Thanks chaps, not new to SIDC but am new to this forum area. I am with Fenland Flat Fours and Scooby City at the moment, but my memberships will probably lapse when I move down your way. See you soon burble burble
  20. thanks for your replies guys, lookin forward to the move now. Special thanks to Edmondo for the SN pointer to this forum too. See u before chrimbo Tel
  21. So what goes on down there, any clubs/meets? I have a 06 plate WRX Hawkeye and I am looking forward to the countryside around there. Presently in boring old Lincolnshire.
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