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Terry Butcher

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Everything posted by Terry Butcher

  1. uh oh, what is going on? So many jobs going again around here. I know of loads in the motor trade just drying up.
  2. What time will he finish? Could I join the convoy too if time etc suits?
  3. 1. TelB (RIP) 2. Zombie (RIP) 3. Daywalker (RIP) 4. Parker (SIDC) 5. Vr4000? (RIP) 6. Foxy (RIP) 7. Petenofear (RIP) 8. JD (SIDC) 9. Dorset Daffodil (SIDC) 10. Torpedomad1? (SIDC) 11. G@ndy (LJP)
  4. I am going but not for the full run
  5. 1. TelB (RIP) 2. Zombie (RIP) 3. Daywalker (RIP) 4. Parker (SIDC) 5. Vr4000? (RIP) 6. Foxy (RIP) 7. Petenofear (RIP) 8. JD (SIDC) 9. Dorset Daffodil (SIDC) 10. Torpedomad1? (SIDC)
  6. you will be most welcome, I will put your name against the list on the Riviera International Perfomance website if that is ok folks
  7. oh dear!! You could relax quite nicely at the Mill!!
  8. come back to us then!! Would be good if you can get there JD
  9. The boys from RIP are looking to meet at the Black Horse pub in Clyst Honiton near Exeter from around 7.30pm. Quite a lot of parking available with food, drink and a great view. Anyone want to join us?
  10. Hmm obviously not, loadsa Scoobs but no real set-up eh? CYA
  11. I have just moved down from Lincs so would like to take a few nice drives out around the area to see the sites, see the cars, meet the drivers and maybe have a bite to eat.
  12. You know what? I reckon we all ought to keep ours eyes peeled for when these scum end up in court and arrive mob handed to let them know what we feel. That way the slap on the wrist they get from the magistrate will suddenly feel a whole lot worse when they realise that there are thousands of us watching them, seeing ther faces, hearng their addresses. We could then all meet up outside and do a good old drumming out of town. No violence. No assault (only to the ear drums). Just a good old "we know who you are" attitude. Keep your eyes peeled folks and maybe we can all attend one of these little hearings.
  13. Still hoping to be there, got my form but not sent it in yet as my daughter has just announced that she is getting married on the Friday, so it will be tight getting back in time but still hoping to be there for the Sunday anyway. Will send the form as soon as I confirm when I am available.
  14. just a scoob, think he is detuning it pretty soon, down to 350.
  15. was quite funny!! Trying to persuade some of the guys from LJP and TA to visit and maybe have a joint meet down there with you guys and RIP, Might get a couple of them down. Maybe Rob in his 435bhp beastie.
  16. oi u gits i still live up here (till march 28th) so watch it!! Soon be down there with you all now I have the new job in Paignton
  17. oh dear............................oh deary dear. That should be illegal.
  18. WILL meet you guys one day. Rough old weekend weatherwise, but still got to Paignton in under 4.5 hours, that is at least 30 mins quicker than normal and only driving a starlet 1300. Did not see many Scoobs around this weekend and not too many chavs either. wot has happened to them? Should be down again in April, with a possibility of early March. Try to meet you again then.
  19. Hey I feel like a skinny bugber now!!
  20. Trouble is a bulb can blow at any time, so as long as you check before you drive and carry a spare you should not get done. I looked at trying to replace some of the bulbs in my Legacy and the handbook says main dealer due to the complexity. I looked and agree!! Cr*p design.
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