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tosh 32

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About tosh 32

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  1. My partner in crime or should i say car building.

  2. ah you must be thinking of my wee rocket
  3. well squiggle i will give you two words 'baws' and 'booted'
  4. nah james has slapped a few dummie and never spat any so as he says if u dont like it *** off and that just him
  5. lol wot a tit lol
  6. i would just put some rat poison in some cat food and put down round the car that will sort the little bar steward
  7. yip have thought of that and have few other toys going in and i also have a wide band o2 sensor so will keep clear of running lean
  8. hi folk i have a hks fcd which im wanting to fit to my95 wrx but dont have the instructions for it so if any peps out there have the wiring diagram it would be great also ecu pinout would be fab so i know wot wire im chopping
  9. 1/ Ally-b 2/ Richie Cross 3/Mac 4/Squiggle 5/Bogie 6/H4AFY 7/Gus the Bus (hopefully I'll be able to get a half day) 8/Neill54 9/Scooby Princess and Edmondo (if i can get time off) 10/nippySweeties 11/IainC (depending on babysitters and day off work... second part far easier to organise than the first) 12/st3ph3n 13/Jcscoob 14/ALI_ 15/STi_Bandit 16/Andy 17/Scooba 18/Thefastone 19/the blue dragon(had muy name up but it dissappeared ) 20/ Wilky ( Need to ride shotgun, the merc doesnt count) 21/ Frank C (got the day off) 22/ JamesM (Depending on getting time off work) 23- Spaceman 24-CJK 25/ Dougie C (if anyone can give me a lift that will be running by Penicuik) 26 - Dtabbit77(also dependant if I can get the half day) 27/ Ed-209 (confirmed day off) 28 DAZ3658 (not back down in Englandshire till october) 29 J10 DLY 30 Paul_P1(on call but will come along anyway) 31. Rossibarr 32/ Tosh 32
  10. well john as you may have guessed it was a classic wrx and no problems fitting as well have done a few now
  11. hey jim and i though all ma neighbours were wavin at me
  12. yip john soundin pretty good now and hey the nieghbours will love it all of mine do
  13. hello & welcome
  14. hello & welcome
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