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Everything posted by rfscooby

  1. thanks for the info, i am off to test my alloys off me classic.. which i am sure i did before...
  2. or maybe it is mine....
  3. Two each interesting!!!
  4. Guys I was assuming that all WRX models 2005 and onwards alloys were 5 x 114.3 pcd but someone has 'corrected' me saying it is 5 x 100pcd on the 2005 WRX specifically. surely they didnt make the STI a different size from the wrx in this year? i have a 2005 newage wrx 300 whats your thoughts? do i need to take the wheel off to see if it is stamped on the inside cos it isnt on the outside of it.. Pls dont tell me it is the 5 x 100 pcd as i just had tyres taken off a set of them and put onto the alloys on the car and someone in the garage dropped the alloy face down on something and fecked it then hid it in the car so i wouldnt see it till i got home and then today when i took it back to the garage they denied all knowledge... barstewards... the rims had 500 miles on them.. cheers
  5. I will probably be there too and will look in - you probably wont know me but may have seen me at these things before. the hot marques are good fun, i used to go to them religously when there was a big Honda Civic type r following and i had a classic scooby. seen some tasty cars best was a Noble which spun coming round the hairpin then did a 360 to face the right way back up the track before the other cars came round the hairpin. nice. ;-)
  6. Cheers for clearing that up Guys - need to find something else to do tomorrow instead!!! canny make the 24th typical. Good to meet you at the rollin road day in sept marty, your car was well sorted mate!!
  7. Sorry guys i dont get a chance to check the forums all the time but i was sure there was an SIDC on at knockers tomorrow but canny find any info on it. I take it this is cancelled till EOM?
  8. Sounds more like a meeting of the pink scooby brigade - were the polis wearing leather? []
  9. tackfully put mate - i was going to mention that but didnt quite have the words... you read my mind!!! it must be easier chasing them in the focus - as they would have had their trousers round their ankles!!! oh hello sailor....[]
  10. Sorry to hear about you getting busted mate - it sounds more like bad luck than they were waiting someone Did you notice if they followed you onto the Braes or were they hiding /parked in a discreet position which happened to be hidden by a bush or something? I have seen a van up there before at the turn off for the landfill but it was early and those guys were sleeping off their rolls and sausage!! I stay in the area and these things are good to know... as it is a pretty good road as long as you dont flash your lights back at the parked cars... ;-)
  11. Had mine for 4 years since fitted - no probs..
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