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Everything posted by Stressymare

  1. yer i hav are you goin on the 15 th to wot Andy ????
  2. Hiya you still got that air con motor ????
  3. i av never done this before is it worth me avin a go or shall i just let you boy's play ??
  4. my classic does not feel any differant on v-power i also think its drinking more fuel [8-)]
  5. its not that Bob im the only one goin on my own [8-)]
  6. pmsl i aint even washed mine it is minging []
  7. no im not sure either as my speedo gave up the ghost a few weeks back lol are you goin on this tour thing Andy ??
  8. i dont see no differance wiv my car and its dearer then Optimax 100.9 []
  9. and dont forget the Fairy [] Dont say that in front of Nige, he passes out when someone mentions car washing and Fairy in the same sentence ha ha ha we av already bin down that road lol ( still using Fairy and Turtle Wax Minute Wax ) []
  10. really ??? i just go fill up not noticed wot it say's on the pump [:$]
  11. yeah i had heard lol [] will give um a ring
  12. yeah sell it an wen you see me an i go flyin past you an you carnt catch me you will regret it []
  13. i want a flamer thingy lol where you get um from ???? [8-)]
  14. wot a shame hate seein scoob's after a accident [:'(]
  15. ha ha how much did you pay Andy ??
  16. only got ten post to go to 1000 []
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