Yep lads thanx for a top nite, my ears are still ringing ,was a gr8 laugh. The photos are good all the scoobs look gr8. I hope we can all meet up again very soon, the RB5 will be needing a good blow out after it has been sitting for 3 weeks.
cheers john mate, i will try make it but i may be a little rough, its my sons 1st bday the day b4. I was at knockhill on the 4th of july doing the single seat racing, it was also the day i found my stuning RB5
Alrite there!! wish i could make it to Alford but unforunatly i am offshore till the second of Aug. Do you know of any other meets that will be happening between the 2nd and the 22nd of Aug.
Dougie, i am 27 years old and thought the same about insurance, when i seen my RB5 in the garage i knew straight away that was my car. I phoned my insurance comp and to me delight the quoted me 6oo bucks fully comp and i am driving with 6 points but i do have full no-claims.
If ur brother does not have the P.P.P i know a guy in perth that may be able to fit it for him reasonably cheap
Spot on scooby222 the 16th of August sounds really good, should be well recoverd after my trip offshore. I get home on the 2nd of Aug so if there is anything else happening round that time please let me know.
Alrite guys, i have just bought my wr sport rb5 and love it to bits. I only had it for 2 days then had to come offshore, really pissed off about that, hope the missus is good to it while am gone. Do any of you attend any mets or track days??