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About craigwrx

  1. Nice one mate ..looking forward to my visit ..
  2. Referring to a previous post, not my thoughts ...if one is looking for a 4x4 without spending stupid money, this would be top of my list ..
  3. Yep, they are certainly a fast "chelsea tractor" for sure and can easily surprise a few folk ...
  4. Welcome mate !
  5. Gus you sold it before i even had a chance to see it ! ... hope u don't live to regret it mate, the Forester will never be an Impreza .. Good luck with the new motor thou, i am sure you will get her looking real nice ..
  6. I actually think its a good idea and no different to many other forums, without financial support the forum would die ...
  7. Most of the members on here, self included are hard-core enthusiasts, so u aint gonna get a positive response on them lights ...but hell what does that matter ? ..its ur car and as long as you like them thats all that matters ....
  8. LOL ..there is hardly any meat on Jim !! ...that makes it even worse mate ..Certainly don't think it was anything to do with drivers either, I know for sure on one occasion we both had a great launch ...
  9. WRC graphics look great imo ..not that I would put them on my P1, but on a Newage YES ! - Use yellow rather than Day-Glo. WRC body - Again very nice ... Prodrive kit - Had it on my old WRX300, this car came with it already fitted (limited edition) I went up against Stephen (on the forum) three times at Crail, it was so so close on every run ...All stephen had done to his car at the time was a full de-cat and remap (fairly sure?) - cost would have been a lot less than what you will pay for the Prodrive kit, (and I might add, sound a lot better!) so on that note I can not really recommend it.
  10. Personally I use Silkolene Pro S 10w-50 for road use. Just ensure that you Pre-fill the new filter with fresh oil and that you "dry crank the engine" - Disconnect (unplug) the crank sensor to stop the engine firing (this prevents both spark and fuel injection to the engine).
  11. Thanks for that ...i must be blind, missed that sticky reference wheels ...
  12. Decisions decisions decisions ...a new set of 18inch P-WRC1 wheels in anthracite or refurbish my current 17inch P-WRC1 wheels.. £800 v in the region of £200 .... Kinda decided that maybe refurbish is the way go due to the fact that i have several other expensive mods in mind ... Issues ....: I have be informed that i will not get the exact original colour match (anthracite) ?? Also been informed that the original wheel stickers are very hard to come by, but i heard someone on here can get hold of them ?? I use the car for work, so would need the wheels refurbished and back on the car the same day ...does anybody know a good company locally (Wishaw - Central area) ?? ----------------------- Lastly ...My Prodrive bells are discoloring and the paint has chipped in several places ..generally looking a bit worse for wear on close inspection (the picture below is from the "better side" and actually looks much better than what it really is) Has anybody on here painted these bells before ? would really like to keep them the same colour or as near as ...any tips would be much appreciated ..paint used/obtained from ... Cheers Craig
  13. I am sure this is the same car up for sale on ScoobyBits : WAGON
  14. Looks like someone has been a little busy in Photoshop ..
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