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Posts posted by cullenmin

  1. Didna go, unfortunately on saturday nite I went a bit sideways and had a wee bump.

    I would hav went with a wee bump but I also kerbed ma front passenger alloy so I'm awa te get that checked the day to make sure the alignment is ok.

    Really gutted I missed it coz I was looking forward to it for a while.

    I'll meet yi at the RR day at Wallace


  2. Thanks for help and efforts guys..

    What sort of power you running Rich ??

    I think I will just go for the stock size ones to save confusion with belts etc..


    hmm that would be telling. I need to get it rolling roaded to find out to be honest.

    Maybe see u on the strip at a crail day sometime[;)]

  3. I've got the stock size full set (crank, power streeing & altenator).

    The underdrive pulleys are smaller (even lighter I think), remember a different size of belt would be needed for these.

    I heard that the underdrive pulleys are not so good at working the altenator, therefore short runs in the scoob would eventually leave you with a flat battery. I do not know if this is true or not (so dont quote me) but I decided to go for the stock size anyway.

    I never really noticed a difference after I got mine fitted but as Higgy says, all those little things add up.


    Very interested in a pully set... Hmmm does he have a contact email ?? Are there any other good places out there to buy a set ??

    Many Thanks - Andy

    You could PM the guy on scoobynet, or you could browse his ebay shop as he sometimes sells them on there



    The group buy prices were cheaper so you could post a comment on scoobynet to find out if the group buy is still open


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