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Everything posted by yogibear

  1. Oh ok. Well it seems to have sorted itself out from this morning, whatever it was, oh well.
  2. I'm going, not too sure where or what time to meet yet though. []
  3. Ruby Murray for dinner tonight Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm[<)]
  4. Just spotted TOURISMO again, this time at Black Prince interchange A2 about 5.30 toooooooday []
  5. ROPMSFL [] How many people have been caught out doing that i wonder
  6. How was it friday night !!!!! I couldn't make it for two reasons 1 i have a cold and 2 i had to pick Terri's sister up from Heathrow @ 6am this morning.
  7. Are you sure there isn't anyone hiding in there somewhere from the France trip []
  8. A blonde lady in a Blue bug eye WRX with a Prodrive wing at Orpington station Lunch time on Wed's 11th. no wave, just foot hard down lol
  9. Tanks Loony Toon - Pele - Shiralee - Trev - Q dog and his young lady, for a great night, not too sure about the route there though, i thought that Loony had given up and that we were going back home to Hazzard County, FUJI the dog was funny, a cross between a Husky and a Jack Russel lol. hmmmmmmm
  10. My mate Rick used to wash his (white) Escort Van so often that he wore the paint off down to the primer in places, so whenever we saw him we'd ask him if he'd wash ours as well. Now he drives an old Escort Cabriolet (also in white) -Cringe factor rating off the scale- so whenever i see him now, i always ask him if he'd give me a hair cut LOL.
  11. Well the sun is out......so hope it stays that way []
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