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An old pal of mine from the MKIVSUPRA.NET who works at Bluewater is in the process of sorting out legit japcar meets. It will be the same venue as it always has been, but it will no longer be every other Tuesday as it used to be. He is looking at sorting it for a currently unnanounced Saturday afternoon / early evening. This will hopefully prevent the problems that plagued the meet last time with the chav community who found out about it and ruined it for the rest of us. It will no longer be a regular interval meet and the dates will be posted on car forums such as this one at random intervals. This will stop the tons of mopeds turning up sounding like a thousand angry bees.

He has asked me to let you lot in on it to establish numbers so the security can be made aware.

For those that may not know, this is purely a static meet where you park up and mingle with other petrolheads. Burnouts, doughnuts and other forms of tom-foolery will not be tolerated. Like a previous member of the MR2oc who decided to leave the car park sideways nearly hitting a security guard quickly became named and shamed amongst his colleagues. The 300zx owner who tried his hand at drifting who collided with a lamp post, had his antics caught on camera and put up on the net for everyone to laugh at.


Just post on here if you are interested.


Like Granby I would be reluctant to do sat afternoon and wouldn't wish to be part of a chav meet, which I know is trying to be avoided here.

But in principal I would attend :rotfl:


Chav or no chav im up for it...

Is that a new car Stiggy ?

I see it up barton hill, very nice, an in the fast colour.. :rotfl::rotfl:

time to iron the burberry tracksuit im in :thumbup:

I've just located my shell suit and the wife's already got the chavham gold shoes on :driving:

Chav or no chav im up for it...

Is that a new car Stiggy ?

I see it up barton hill, very nice, an in the fast colour.. :driving::banana:

what day was that matey, could have been me. lol :thumbup:

once we have an idea of numbers, a day will be announced.

I'm interested, all depending on work commitments as I work week on / week off

Chav or no chav im up for it...

Is that a new car Stiggy ?

I see it up barton hill, very nice, an in the fast colour.. :banana::D

what day was that matey, could have been me. lol :driving:

Hi mate

I think that could of been Spikey as I've not been to Barton Hill but your not wrong with the fastest colour :thumbup:

Hi mate

I think that could of been Spikey as I've not been to Barton Hill but your not wrong with the fastest colour :thumbup:

Ha Ha Ha ,got the names mixed up. What a dick.. :driving:


I went to a cruise up bluewater last week we was talking to a couple of security guards and they said the police were trying to stop car meets there altogether, the honda civic owners club had to stop their meets there and i think the mr2 oc had to stop theirs too, its a shame that stupid little dicks have to spoil it for everyone :D

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