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A question for the Subaru Sales guys ?

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When will the new (dawg ersed) WRX go on sale in the UK ?  The reason I ask is can we expect to the price tags of 2007 WRX & STi's being dropped big time before then ? I know dealers are doing £1000 off list prices just now but when will they start slashing them big time ?

Cal ( potential hawkeye buying faction)

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Cal, as Phil said, should be latter end of this year for first of 08my cars to be released. Still unconfirmed if there will be a WRX for the UK. Sti will be 2008.

As for the price of the Hawkeye dropping......who knows[:D] But logic says that they will be clearing out 07my for the launch of the 08my so we will just have to wait and see.


Russ (also a prospective Hawkeye buyer)[:P]  Oh and sales guy[:P]

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