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1 Scoob + Empty Edinburgh Park + Sunshine = Photo Opportunity !

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he he, seems to be a day for photoshoots [:D]

I posted similar photos ages ago, but they were taken with my old sony cybershot. These were with my new Canon [:)

Clicky each photo for larger version..







I was getting some funny looks from some bloke in an "Edinburgh Park Security" van, don't know what all that was about [:P]

Bring on the summer [ip]

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Thanks lads [:)]

Martin, got a shot like that in mind, just need to figure out the shutter speed and aperature settings [:S]

Here's the reason my car was sooo shiny today, my mate Tony (who's from Ghana incase you're wondering why he has an unusual outfit on) got married today and he asked me to be his chauffeur [:D]


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Lovely pictures you have there,  Congratulations to Tony and lucky guy getting a scooby as a wedding car.  Its Sulty & Shaz, im the the one with the Black Hawkeye with graphics.  I have a question for you, are you a professional photographer? You really take some superb picures.

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Thanks for all the comments everyone, and I'll pass on your wishes to Tony (if he hasn't seen these already).

Gus, I'm not really into stickers mate, and the pig will be coming off today [:)]

Imy, It was Tony who was on the run with me, he had a great time [:D

Marty, sounds like a plan [:P]

Ali,  Many thanks for you compliment, I just enjoy photography as a hobby mate, I'm a web designer in real life.

Squirrel, normal attire? by the looks of the wedding last night, you would think so. I felt out of place with my boring shirt and trousers on! 

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