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Greetings from the Caribbean

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Well I'm one week into my holiday and absolutely loving it. Weather here in Trinidad has been hot and dry, watched carnival which was fantastic, only wish I had taken part. One Week left here then heading to Tobago to do some diving for a week. Then back to good old Aberdeen.

Hope everyone is doing fine, will catch up with you all when I get back

 [ip] [H] [D]


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So, just to clarify.....your posting up just to rub it in!!!

Were all stuck at home with breezy 5 deg winds while your tanning your a55 on the soft powdery beaches and knocking back the cocktails!!

The nice girls at the office are sending me too New zealand for a wee break on the Rocky 2.Its all expences paid and I even get a few pounds in the bank account if Im a good boy[;)]

Hope you enjoy the rest of your break anyway.

Cant beat the Caribbean for  a relaxing holiday. Lazy days man, lazy days.


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Glad i read this post "NOT" , I've been off work for a week in rainy/windy Scotland and due back on monday.

One's larging it up in the Caribbean and the others off to New Zealand...[:)].. Happy days lol

Enjoy the rest of your holiday bud and try not to enjoy NZ too much Jamie..[;)]

Roll on monday........[:'(]



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