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i`m now back in the land of the taxpayer...or should that be boohoo.....anyway i got me a job,not doing what i wanted,and the monies not great but hey its a job,& there is a promotion going in a couple of weeks with a payrise (which i`m told i will get),and a course to go on with another pay rise, and the chance to learn about the food industry coz there is another job going in sales there soon.so who knows......... so we shall see you all soon at a meet.  Djscoobz [;)][:(][Y]
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thanks to each and every one of you for your support, i would be lying if i said the last 4 months had not been a struggle, wondering if the mortgage was going to be paid etc,but hopefully this is the start of things to come, we look forward to seeing you at the meets to thank you all personally. once again my sincerest thanks.i am proud to be part of the CADS family.[;)]
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  • 3 weeks later...

spoke to andy the other day and it seems the job and his employers didn't do what it said on the tin. Needless to say he's looking again. Good luck with the search mate, you know I will keep my ears to the ground if anything crops up.

Keep your chin up mate.

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