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ATTN Aberdeen folk

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You're an enthusiast though Pete! I've seen you battering round knockhill in a 1.6. That's hardcore.


That was ace fun I overtook a Ferrari on the bend [:o]


Not sure what the new car is putting out (Don't want to get into that!) but since Wuz tweaked it, it's damn pleasing.




You're an enthusiast though Pete! I've seen you battering round knockhill in a 1.6. That's hardcore.

Dale might have won yesterday if I still had the 1.6 Lol! [:o]




any twat who puts fuxing neons on a scoob deserves to get his c**t kicked in for that alone, but like stephen says scoobs are well afordable even for the average ned nowadays


Aye this is it, and with that the chavsters get all subaru drivers the bad name, people dont think its the dickhead driving the car they think its the make of car, which is retarded.

Sure to god even grampians most usless plod will be able to locate a stickered up, neon'd to the hilt scoob with slight scraping damage???

You would hope so

Wouldnt put money on it though


Other traffic getting in the way man... Honest...  [:)]

Good to see ya man and good to see the motor is running as it should again! Nice one!  [:D]

Yeah Yeah![:)]

Cool meeting up with you. Need to do it more often.



Dies with the Z4 ecu cos the turbo is only a TD04 So boost controller still not wired. Low on dosh with the respray and new parts pending but will upgrade to TDO5 soon. Got 1.2 boost insteasd of  0.5. Fuelling properly now. Couple of things still to fix but going by what Wuz has said the car was a steal at the price I paid. Massive difference in performance just the same.



They appealed on the news last night for witnesses to come forward[:)]

Given there's a fair chance they're now scanning the DVLA database for Subarus in ABZ, you could get a list of your registrations and contact the Police as part of the SIDC stating they can cross all those off their list. Make you look nice, responsible drivers and citizens and all that...

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