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WIY - WR Blue Bugeye STi Blackburn (Abz) Dual Carriageway 16:30 Sunday

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John, knew it wasn't you mate.

Whoever it was obviously felt like his d1ck was too small after being overtaken by Joanne [;)]

I must add that we were just cruising along and went through the roundabout before Blackburn, this moron then confirms the problem he has in the trouser department and procededs to cut out in front of her at which point I told her to back off as I didn't want the front of her car getting peppered with stone chips. Then Mr Small D1ck pulls in again and we go past, so what was the point?





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Coz he has a limpet d1ck


Well said the MacSter

PS heard the car was running no bad on Saturday. I was up visiting Russell on Sunday and he was giving me all the details [Y]

I have also left the Radiator Plate with him, and a nice WR Blue Tax Disc holder but I think he is going to snaffle that for himself.


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Hey Marc

Yeah it was running pretty well[;)] Just ask the boy in his 5.7 litre Ultima, And i was almost 3 up as i had Simmie with me[:P]

Yes a few scalps were had indeed, it was great fun as always, especially after Doc Wuz's driving instructions[:D]

I was informed i was spitting out 4 foot flames too[:D], but yet to see the photos[:P]

He was loving it LOL, Me too[:D]

So thats 3 track days, crail and Everyday Macing and not a hic up, Testimony to Russell and Andy F.

Hey can have the tax disc holder, i have a nice WR Blue Subaru one fitted already[;)]


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well hes not going to own up now cos his secret is out lol

totally agree with your actions i get kn*bs like that all the time when i drive up north they do their utmost to get past then immediately slow down again  

Eddie have to say that I was more disappointed as it was a Scooby driver. In actual fact he was not the only idot we met that day on the way home. It just seemed that each time we went through a roundabout whoever was next to us wanted a race. I guess they see a Porsche and feel they have a point to prove, especially when it is driven by a lady.


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 I guess they see a Porsche and feel they have a point to prove, especially when it is driven by a lady.

I always did wonder now we know PMSL[:'(]

Boxters = ladies


Craig I would have said that before we got one, but now that Joanne has hers I think it is a great car.

PS I'm still pre-op at the moment [:)]


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