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Big Thanks AGAIN

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Once again a massive thank you to Russell AKA Wuz @ BHP Developments

For his install of the latest round of mods[:D] Especially the "Wicked" install of one bit[:(] Not often i come up with a great idea, but even you were taken aback with that[:P]

So its no sleep for me tonight until i see Andy F @ 1300 tomorrow[:D] Canna wait...........................

Then hope it stays dry for Saturday[:D]

Cheers Wuz for your time, slightly extended, but as you say "Its got to be right" and oh it is[Y] Professional approach as always, even the banter......[:D]

Am glad you had a chance to drive it since the first round and Map[:o], and well you said it all m8

Canna wait for the new map now[:P]

Thank you





Is it all still a secret then Craig? If I remember rightly then you were getting an AVC-R, so I imagine the wicked install might be a nice stealthy install of that perchance?

Either way I will see you on Saturday. Do make sure and wave when I pull over and let the blue oyster get by. [:(]


he was well grining when i passed him gawn back into town [:o][:P]

and yes i did say that i passed him and it's all true [:(]






he was about to turn off likes [:$]

Hehe I passed him once an all you know, he was walking at the time mind.

Good to meet you tonight Steve btw.



was going to make a comment allong the lines of "was that walking to the bar" but i'm not like that


and i also like me teeth [:o][:P][:P][:(]


aye good to meet you guys the night an all, pm soon to be on the way bud


he was well grining when i passed him gawn back into town [:D][:D]

and yes i did say that i passed him and it's all true [:o]







he was about to turn off likes [:$]

pmsl [:P] It did cross my mind to "play" a little but control, control, til re mapped [*-)]


Stephen, yeah the AVC-R Mount is it on the nose m8. You will like it i think, Its the mutts AND I THOUGHT OF IT[:P]

Less of the oyster big yin[:D] Its still got a fair ol' rip mate[:(]



HEhe. I'm not so useless after all.

Trickest install is still held by Gumball's Defi in the vent, which was stolen off of NASIOC I think, but was still cool as f...

Looking forward to what you've done with the AVC-R though. WUZ's install of the defi controller in the forrestor pod is very trick too.


The Oakleys are in there wee bag above the visor, Where they have always been, got the box and it was used once, chucked in the g/b and never used again.

Just thought the other night when i was dropping the car off and was unloading all the cr4p from the g/b, came across it again and thought "ah ha Wuz.........." The reply was, well you can imagine[:(][:o]. But i think it works a treat.




Surprised you haven't shown off the vent "mod" as well M8! Little bit more effort to get the install the way you wanted it but it all looks great at the end of it all!



Nice one Craig, I must admit I was slightly dubious about how exactly it was going to work, But it was turned out waaaaay better than I expected...

thats the Mutts Nutts...  [y] and about the baffle problem...? how is that now?  [:(]

WUZ, I touch goats....

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