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Big Favour Required - anyone going from Aberdeen - near Glasgow in the next few weeks ?

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I need a big favour from someone please face-icon-small-happy.gif

Is there anyone out there who will be travelling from the Aberdeen area down towards Glasgow in the next few weeks.

I've got a couple of tyres to give to Iain Ferguson (yellow Elise owner who goes to all our track events, and does the videos etc.), and need to find someone who can take them down for me.

The tyres are all wrapped in cling film, so they are nice and clean and won't mark anyone's upholstery or boot carpets.

It looks like I may be working weekends for the next month or so, so won't be able to get down with them, and Iain is running close to the legal limit on his tyres.

Can anyone help ?

If so, then please drop me an e-mail and we'll get something sorted out.

Many Thanks



Thanks to everyone else who replied face-icon-small-happy.gif

Tim has now collected the tyres, and will be delivering them to Iain later this week.



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