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Cusco do one, APR in america, SRB Power sell one from I think Chargespeed. You can also get the genuine one from the MY06 STI, should fit.

Try www.japanparts.com for the Cusco one. Not sure where would be good for the APR one and www.srbpower.co.uk for the chargespeed one.

ebay too.

Let me know if you find a good one as I've been looking for one for my blobeye.


Not keen on the little 06 style one. The charge speed one looks fine but looks like it would need the bumper and im looking to keep standard look.Subaru has one for 02 wrx but they say it wont fit sti.

gruppe-s has one for 04 which i like but i dont really know if it could fit.

is there a lot of difference between the underside of an 02 sti rear bumper and an 04?


I think the subaru one should fit the sti contact steve nairn sti and get a look at his. I think there might a picture of his car in the for sale section.

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