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inverness scoobs

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getting near to the next meet and probably the last one with a run mid week for a bit, so thought id try and get some interest from people who are new or dont always read the events section. usual time and place as stated in events, followed by a short run then back in inverness about half 8 for some grub,provisionally at the snowgoose next to tescos, so anyone who cant make it for 7 come and join us there.

anyone heard anything from gee wr1 or jason from the first meet or ross with the rb5 from the second?

also like to take the chance to officially unveil myself as the new Highland RO and once again say we need more scoobs from inverness!! pleeeaaasssseeee!

cheers, Dave

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Haven't heard anything from Gee or Jason but I remember Rossi saying that he was offshore for three weeks.  Should be around about the time of the meet though so I hope he can make it along.

Once again, congrats on the RO position mate.  As you'll be aware from the other thread, I wanted to put your name forward to Phil. 

If I/we can do anything to help you out mate then just let us know.  Drinks on you for the next meet then eh??[:D]

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Nice one mate, Was starting to wonder if we scared you off!!!!  lol

If you can it would be good to see you there, If for nothing else I want to drool at tyour car again....

Did, I mention that I LOVE WR1s......  [:P]

Scared off? Na not me [:D] just didn't have the time for last meet & the 7pm starts not great for me.

Lol think you did mention your fondness of the 1 [:o] She's filthy at the mo not had the time to tend to it either.

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o so you can find time to go to portugal but not to come to the meets eh,your priorities are all wrong! [:D]

be good if you could make it along either at the start or when we get back to inverness bout half 8. there could be a 22b joining us so then wed just need to get a p1 and ross in his rb5 for  a limited edition round up!

Dale, your the sort of person who laughs at their own jokes arent you [:D

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true, but the girlfriend can ourun me [:P]

if its like it was today were laughing! wheres dale with a weather and midge forecast when you need him!

sti joy, whereabouts were you driving/staying? hope you enjoyed the roads,hospitality and weather. if your back up again give us a shout, most of us dont bite [:P]

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we stopped at drumnadrochit, we came in on the a889, then on to a86, then the a82, those roads were great we went up to john o groats on tue, then went back home on the a836 all the way back to the a9 near morangie, we are coming up again next year so will definately be in contact a few weeks before we come this time, i knoe gee was up for a meet but was unable to meet as work got in the way, at least we were spotted by his wife so, going up on the tue to john o groats[:P]

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