spooks Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Guys and gals, not too long in from a great day out and I have many thank you's to say. I ask for no thanks and deserve none either , the day was yours and Santa Cruise is all the better for it. First of all I think that everyone who attended deserves a big thanks for making the day the success that its proven to be, take a bow ya'all you deserve it.Without your cars the day would not have happpened, and watching Playsatan's, Wilky's and Craig's cars on the rollers was a good advert for Subaru tuning. To the ladies for sitting in ther play pen [] selling home baking, tea and Coffee, many many thanks .. i'm sure everyone enjoyed the fact you kept them warm and they enjoyed continuously wiping away those shortcake/regrigerator cake crumbs [] A thanks to the people who contributed prizes for the sweepstake namely Rhindpiece( Blame Craig) for the Knockhill voucher, Peter( Fai ) for the meal. Imy for the soon to be released hat, Craig and Fastone for the booze, can I also say that was a great idea to come up with at the short notice. The money has yet to be confirmed but I will say that the target of £1200 pounds has been met, if not exceeded with all various activities on the day Finally i connot say a big enough thanks to Dastek. Gerry, Paul and the rest of the crew have supported us since the conception of Scottish Scoobies and for them to give their time and facilities in support of our Charity was fantastic.On the day we have raised a staggering amount of money which without these guys tireless efforts could not be possible. Guys I salute you all Scott
thefastone Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Here Here!! [D] And Yeah, Thanks Peter, I'll see you the next time I'm down in glasgow.... []
dave_morgan Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 And by the sounds of things, a huge thankyou is definitely due to Scott and Rosie for their 12 hour shift too. Good job guys.... this years santa cruise will be the biggest and best ever without a doubt . [] Dave
wrxmania Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Yes - well done Spooks and Rosie - it is often forgotten the effort, stress, worry and jip that they have to take in organising stuff. I wish I could have been there. Brian []
micra_wrc Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 well done Scott, Rosie and Greig. Your organisation and preparation made the day so much more enjoyable. the tea room/Dastek trailer was like a social centre and provided some refuge from the exhaust fume filled rooms [] rosie, hope you managed to sell all your baking, and that you had a nice glass of wine when you got home [D] you did well hon [Y] well done to all that attended and in helping raise a v. generous amount for Santa Cruise also, thanks to Craig Mac for doing the sweepstake. He kindly donated the funds to the Glasgow Santa Cruise so huge thanks big chap i was too hungover to drive the RA today but it meant I was free to help with the tea/coffee. couldnt find a thread with general pics so have pasted the meagre ones I took below
Fee Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 I have to say that I was ten minutes up the road and realised I hadn't said bye/thank you to you guys. Another great day organised Scott....thanks very much []
ANDYJDMSTI Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Nice one on the money raising......... looks like the tank will have to come out at the next outing to give the newages a good showing []
Dougie C Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Here here, great photos and can't wait for next one. Dougie
Ross9 Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 excellent day out. thumbs up for the work put in and an impressive amount of money raised. It was a long day and there were die hards there right till the end, despit it being after 6pm before I got on the rollers, I never felt fed up etc, was chat to be had and a good bunch of guys there. Still regretting not asking them to print out my 805bhp run lol, happy with the real figures as well though considering down a few psi. Hopefully get along to some more SIDC stuff soon even if it is in a Rover and not the scooby, nobody shunned me lol. Thanks again Ross
spooks Posted September 6, 2006 Author Posted September 6, 2006 Just a quick update to let you all know what was raised on the day. 35 cars on the rollers( Thanks to Dastek) = £1050 Paypal payments and cars not running that paid = £60 Tea/ Cofee money( Thanks the Tea ladies) = £108.90 Sticker money collected on the day ( Thanks Gus and Rallye6) = £50 Money raised on sweep (Thanks Craig Mac)= £80 Money raised on KH Voucher ( Thanks Criag and Rhindpiece)=£40 Total =1388.90 [] [] OK I think this is the final running order and the figures I have. Apologies if yours are not there, I will trawl the rest of the forum and find it and update this as needed. Name<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Car Power Torque Sheep Newage WRX 232 217 STi Bandit Newage STi 267.8 267.2 Spince Newage STi 298.5 299 Fraser Newage WRX 255.8 264.5 Marc29 Newage RA 307 288 Scoobymark Newage STi 305 267 G Mac Newage STi 342.4 303.2 Jimser Newage WRX 259.8 268.5 Scoobaroo Newage STi 323 308.1 St3ph3n Newage WRX 248.5 231 Craig Mac Nwage STi 381.9 345 Cyp-Rock Newage STi 305 275 Robert Newage STi 294.8 261.5 CraigWRX Newage WRX 255 261 Irish Al Newage WRX 282 Higgy Newage WRX 361 334.5 Fai 17 Newage STi 359.4 324.9 Classic Playsatan 2 Classic Type R 411 400 Wilky Classic STi 424 416 Fee Classic Type R Fastone Classic Wagon 1.6 105.8 101.3 Greegsy Classic Kenny McGee Classic <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />UK 322.2 263.7 Fastscooby Classic WRX 261 230 RS Grant Classic UK PPP 250 244 Wagon Wheels Classic UK Wagon 304.3 304.2 Bri WRX Classic 265.4 237.7 Omniboy Classic WRX 272 241 Cullenmin Other Callum Forrester 253.6 250.9 Coulty’s Bro Seat Ibiza Brian Astra 127.3 120.1 Ross9 Rover Turbo 274.4 272 Scotty P P Spec Mitsu Colt 108 99 Greg Soarer 290 288.7
craig mac Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 WOW! AWESOME! TOTAL BHP 8747.9 TOTAL TORQUE 7984FT/LB WELL DONE TO ALL! Craig
micra_wrc Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 wow thats a fab figure raised for Santa Cruise well done everyone and big thanks to Dastek for offering to do the session free of charge - you guys are [*]
thefastone Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 Fastone Classic Wagon 1.6 Oi!!!! [:@] its a 1.8 thankyou very much.... Your hurting the Shed's™ Feelings you know..... But seriously well done folks, that was a top effort, and long may the effort keep up.... [y]
G.Mac Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 couldnt find a thread with general pics so have pasted the meagre ones I took below You only took one of them!!!!!.....lol Graeme
Dougie C Posted September 6, 2006 Posted September 6, 2006 Great figure raised and can't wait until the next meet. Dougie
scoobaroo Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 The money raised was a credit to all who attended this great event [] [] Nice car figures too [Y] [Y]
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