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Cheers for all the fantastic input guys!!!!

I am looking for a nice blue and yellow polo shirt or short sleeved shirt to base our clothing on (at the mo)  I will post pic of the garment once I have it fully embroidered......

Keep the ideas coming though....

Cheers Iain  


A nice yellow polo shirt is proving hard to come by, the one that arrived today was awful!!!![:D]

I will go shopping to see what I can find

Cheers for now




[:|]I can see you are having a hard time getting things sorted. Would you like me to help out with these polo shirts and put you in touch with the guy that has done ours? They may be priced higher than you wanted to pay but you will get them sorted a lot quicker. If you want me to but out just say.





Not having a hard time, its just that trying to find a nice combination of Yellow and blue polo shirt or any type of shirt is proving difficult!!!

Leave it with me!!!

 I have got people to do the shirts I just need to find a shirt that suits.

Cheers Iain 


Ok guys

After hunting for what seems like forever for a yellow polo shirt that looks half decent.....

I may have found one

With help from Karl ( Racing Snake ) and Wimpy ;)

Samples polos should be here within the week.

I know its taking ages but if we are going to have loud shirts I would like them to be good.

Cheers for your time



Good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I have just recieved the new sample polo shirts and they are just the right colour :D

Finnished item pics will be posted soon :D

Cheers Iain


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