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KentScoobies Stickers !!!!

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The T-shirts would have been sorted ages ago if people hadn't moaned

about the colour - I spoke to Tiny and it seems the ESC weren't really

given a choice once pink was suggested, it was taken from there - and

now anyone can spot ESC at any event with their pink T-shirts, and this

is what  I was trying to do, hence the primrose yellow as

suggested by Fox's.

As for the flags, etc, these things cost money - the tall flags were

£75 because I was enquiring about them - so if people are willing to

put money towards things like this please pm me as I do have the

details of the company to get this done.  ESC also have a lot of

sponsors which help to pay for these things, so if anyone can get us

some sponsorship that could help things along too.  I used to pay

for all this out of my own pocket, which I can no longer do as I don't

have a lot of available funds.

The sooner people give me the money for the T-shirts, the sooner I can

get them done.  I know they are more expensive but this lady can

do them quicker than the other supplier I had.  I am not going to

pay for them myself as last time I got left with 3 t-shirts @ £17 each

with names on them which are no good for anything other than being a

very expensive polishing rag!

I spoke to  several of the  regional organisers who were

there  on Sunday about the T-shirts and it seems our great t-shirt

debate has made us a bit of a joke [:@] and every one of them said I

should have stuck with yellow like Tiny did with the pink, apparently

there was a hell of a row about it but he stuck by his descision and

now everyone who said they wouldn't wear pink is wearing it!!

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I've just had an idea pm'd to me regarding the flags.  Sometimes

only one or two of us go to a meet, perhaps some members might like to

buy a flag themselves to keep with them in case of this sort of

situation?  If this is agreeable to anybody, then pm or e-mail me

and I will get the company details and order sorted out for you.[:)]

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Only a suggestion but if we all chipped in a few quid each then the club would own the flags and be used at every meet and not just the meets that the person who buys them goes to .Therefor gets the club noticed and possibly more people will join K.S .The more that join The more money chipped in .The more money chipped in the more we can do for K.S.  Only a suggestion but sounds good to me !![Y]

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I spoke to  several of the  regional organisers who were there  on Sunday about the T-shirts and it seems our great t-shirt debate has made us a bit of a joke [:@] and every one of them said I should have stuck with yellow like Tiny did with the pink, apparently there was a hell of a row about it but he stuck by his descision and now everyone who said they wouldn't wear pink is wearing it!!

Thats fine but the majority didn't want primrose yellow. If we want to show ourselves to be a club we should act democratically not have one person make the decisions...........

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I spoke to  several of the  regional organisers who were there  on Sunday about the T-shirts and it seems our great t-shirt debate has made us a bit of a joke [:@] and every one of them said I should have stuck with yellow like Tiny did with the pink, apparently there was a hell of a row about it but he stuck by his descision and now everyone who said they wouldn't wear pink is wearing it!!

Thats fine but the majority didn't want primrose yellow. If we want to show ourselves to be a club we should act democratically not have one person make the decisions...........

Lets not dig all this up again please, whats done is done and lets get on having fun as a club [;)]

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I spoke to  several of the  regional organisers who were there  on Sunday about the T-shirts and it seems our great t-shirt debate has made us a bit of a joke [:@] and every one of them said I should have stuck with yellow like Tiny did with the pink, apparently there was a hell of a row about it but he stuck by his descision and now everyone who said they wouldn't wear pink is wearing it!!

Thats fine but the majority didn't want primrose yellow. If we want to show ourselves to be a club we should act democratically not have one person make the decisions...........

Lets not dig all this up again please, whats done is done and lets get on having fun as a club [:P]

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